Yes, we do, on Solaris 10. I don't know of any such problems, but I can't introduce the slow network condition here to test.
Good to know. In case it wasn't clear, the network limiting is done on the client side, not on the server.

Is the file really truncated, i.e. too short, or is it corrupt? Can the truncation also be seen in the Tomcat access log? If so, could you replace the curl/md5sum based test with another HTTP client like LWP::Simple in perl or "ab" coming with Apache httpd. Just to rule out the client side of the picture.
Yes the file is definitely truncated rather than corrupted. Users of our services with normal browsers are noticing the problem, it's what prompted me to use the Perl+Curl test script.

Is truncation always happening at the same byte? Any pattern?

Which connector are you using? NIO? APR?
I've tried both AJP13 and the standard HTTP1/1 connectors, both have the same problem. When using AJP the Apache log shows the file size as being truncated, I'll check the Tomcat log when using HTTP1/1 to see if it agrees.

I personally would try the following to provide additional analysis data: Find a setup, where you can log the client port. Use this setup and snoop network traffic during the test on the client and server side. Once the problem happens, use the local port number and timestamp to extract the communication pattern on the server and client side. That way you can see, which side closed/aborted the connection - or whether it is something in between client and server.
Thanks, I'll give Wireshark or something like that a go to see if I can see any TCP problems.

Andrew Seales

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