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On 4/29/15 5:37 PM, Andrea Freire wrote:
> Just a little question the apt-get command when you execute inside 
> the chroot doesn't install all the dependencies.
>> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 16:36:41 -0400 From: 
>> ch...@christopherschultz.net To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: FW: tomcat7 in chroot environment
> Andrea,
> On 4/29/15 4:14 PM, Andrea Freire wrote:
>>>> excuse me I have a little problem with the tomcat7 
>>>> installation. The tomcat7 install with apt-get for a 
>>>> opengeosuite-server installer in a chroot with ubuntu 
>>>> environment, the problem is when I want to start the service
>>>> in the chroot console it throws me a message:
>>>> * tomcat7 is not installed
>>>> I change the /var/lib/tomcat7 an /usr/share/tomcat7 folders 
>>>> owner to tomcat7 because there was with root as owner in the 
>>>> folders in the chroot environment in the past this resolve
>>>> the problem in a tipical installing and change the
>>>> CATALINA_BASE an CATALINA_HOME in the start script in the
>>>> /etc/init.d/tomcat7 with the folders in the chroot
>>>> environment.
>>>> In the beginning the message when I execute the command 
>>>> service tomcat7 start doesn't throws me nothing, all was
>>>> normal but I can´t see the web page or the service running
>>>> from another machine. I see that the link to the folder 
>>>> /var/lib/tomcat7 in the chroot environment doesn´t go to a
>>>> file inside the chroot I change that to the ubication inside
>>>> the chroot then began with the problem.
> What you have to understand about chroot is that 100% of what you 
> need to launch your process needs to be available *inside* the 
> chroot'd environment.
> So, if you need to chroot to /var/tomcat/chroot, then you are
> going to need a directory at /var/tomcat/chroot/var/lib/tomcat7
> containing whatever files you expected to be there.
> Have you had Tomcat working in a chroot'd environment in the past?
>  I've had a nightmare of a time trying to get a JVM to launch
> within a chroot'd environment because it needs to many support
> libraries, etc. available just to start. Once the JVM can launch
> within the chroot'd environment, getting Tomcat to work should be
> trivial: just move everything Tomcat needs into the chroot root-dir
> (likely a subdirectory of this, actually) and you should be fine.
> As for launching Tomcat within the chroot'd environment from a 
> service script, your service script needs to execute the "chroot" 
> command and then give a command to run once the chroot() system
> call has completed. Presumably, that command will be 
> "/path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh start". The /path/to/tomcat
> should be relative to the chroot's root, and both CATALINA_BASE and
>  CATALINA_HOME should also be relative to the chroot's root 
> directory.
> Hope that helps, -chris

Is that a question?

- -chris

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