On 4/30/15, 10:17 AM, "Christopher Schultz" <ch...@christopherschultz.net>

>Lots of little things are being cleaned-up in and around the
>connectors as well as tcnative lately. Using the latest Tomcat will
>improve the stability of tcnative, because if the Java code has been
>mis-tracking the state of the connection, the native code can
>sometimes fall-over.
>I've tried to prevent actual crashes as much as possible, but the
>result in those cases is that the connection is totally trashed. I'm
>not sure if Tomcat is recycling those trashed connections, but every
>release improves the situation.
>It would be even better if you could move up to Tomcat 8. Lots more
>refactoring of the connectors has taken place there and so all
>connectors are more stable.
>I'm excited about the upcoming Tomcat 9 because the connector code has
>been nearly unified. This ought to make all of the connectors rock-solid
>- -chris

Thanks Chris, we will look into moving to Tomcat8 for our next release. 

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