> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:02 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Shutdown port and multiple Tomcat instances
> Hash: SHA256
> Jeffrey,
> On 6/15/15 10:49 AM, Jeffrey Janner wrote:
> > I’m making the switch to running all my tomcats on Linux.
> >
> > I’m planning to deploy multiple instances per machine, splitting
> > catalina_base and catalina_home, and just have question on the
> > shutdown port.
> >
> > Under Windows, I just deployed the binary with the commons daemon
> > wrapper and set the shutdown port to -1 and let the daemon manage
> > the orderly shutdown.
> >
> > Is it possible to set the port to -1 under Linux and do something
> > similar? Preferably without deploying the daemon wrapper also,
> > though I’m willing to do if necessary.  I am planning to manage
> > them with service/init scripts for startup and shutdown.
> The *NIX analog to the Windows Service runner /is/ jsvc.
> I'm curious why you don't want to run jsvc.
> If you don't want to run jsvc, why not pick a unique shutdown port
> number and use the standard scripts?
> We run multiple JVMs on a single machine, and we even (in dev) have
> multiple users with multiple JVMs, etc. *and* we are using mod_jk to
> connect them all, so we have to manage ports carefully.
> We have come up with this method to organize everything:
> 1. Each user has a "user number" -- let's call that "u"
> 2. Each application has an "app number" -- let's call that "a"
> Port numbers now look like this:
> 8ua5 - ajp port for the application
> 8ua6 - shutdown port for the application
> 8ua7 - secure port for loopback requests from other apps
>        (if necessary for the application)
> We have scripts that use these things so a user just has to set up
> their "u" and "a" values properly and everything works. It's also
> possible to predict who will be using what port, and - ignoring typos
> - - nobody has any conflicts.
> - -chris

Thanks for the tips Chris.  That could really come in useful.
I'm not adverse to running jsvc, I'm just under a current time crunch and have 
something like 50 of these to turn out in short order.  I didn't want to have 
to mess with getting another layer to work right now.

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