> Le 25 juin 2015 à 21:45, Pascal Abaziou <pascal.abaz...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Le 25 juin 2015 à 10:40, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com 
>> <mailto:a...@ice-sa.com>> a écrit :
>> Pascal Abaziou wrote:
>>>> Le 25 juin 2015 à 00:23, Mark Eggers <its_toas...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
>>>> <mailto:its_toas...@yahoo.com.INVALID>> a écrit :
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> On 6/24/2015 2:40 PM, André Warnier wrote:
>>>>> Pascal Abaziou wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I’m searching for the version that fixes a bug I’ve on a tomcat 6.0.24 
>>>>>> (on redhat). As I do not reproduce it on my windows workstation with 
>>>>>> tomcat 6.0.44, I need elements to argue to
>>>>>> upgrade to the sys admin.
>>>>>> So the bug : with a REST resource service implemented with
>>>>>> Jersey, if there’s no method corresponding to a URI (under the
>>>>>> hierarchy that Jersey should handle), Jersey raises a 404
>>>>>> NOT_FOUND error.
>>>>>> In 6.0.24, tomcat raises a 500 internal error. In 6.0.44, tomcat 
>>>>>> propagates the 404 not found error.
>>>>>> As the sysadmin want to stay on version delivered by redhead, I need 
>>>>>> elements to motivate an update.
>>>>>> I’ve read the tomcat 6 changelog, but did not find when this was fixed.
>>>>> You know, I don't want to discourage you, but..
>>>>> Assuming even that this was a bug that was fixed on its own, and
>>>>> not some side-effect of some other change..
>>>>> As you know, Tomcat is an open-source and free software, developed and 
>>>>> supported by volunteers, who apart from their Tomcat
>>>>> involvement, all have a paying job which they do on the side..
>>>>> This user's list is the same.
>>>>> Tomcat 6.0.24 is at least 5 years old. The current Tomcat version
>>>>> is 8.0.23. Between these two, there are 5 years and probably close
>>>>> to 100 versions. Some of these versions correct real bugs or
>>>>> security issues which could leave any lower version vulnerable to
>>>>> hacking.
>>>>> The Tomcat developers, having a limited amount of time to dedicate to it, 
>>>>> rather understandably prefer to spend this time working on and supporting 
>>>>> the latest version, rather than very old ones.
>>>>> All of this to say that unless there is a very strong incentive for
>>>>> someone to go and dig through the documentation and the code, your
>>>>> chances of getting real help on this apparently minor and
>>>>> peripheral issue, affecting an old version of Tomcat but not more
>>>>> recent ones, are really slim.
>>>>> If your sysadmin does not understand the benefits of upgrading to
>>>>> a more recent version, rather than this very old one, then the
>>>>> problem is with him, not with you and not with the Tomcat
>>>>> developers. Maybe you should just take the change logs, starting
>>>>> with 6.0.44 and working back to 6.0.24, append them to one another,
>>>>> and send this to him as a token of what he is missing in terms of
>>>>> bug corrections and security fixes, by /not/ upgrading. And if he
>>>>> still does not understand the issue, or cannot give you a better
>>>>> reason to want to stay with 6.0.24, send the list to his boss.
>>>> There's another issue when comparing vendor-packaged versus
>>>> Apache-distributed Tomcat versions.
>>>> Vendors often backport various fixes from later Apache-distributed
>>>> versions to vendor-packaged versions. For example, you may see the
>>>> following in RedHat (I'm running Fedora 22 or CentOS 6) distributions:
>>>> CentOS 6
>>>> Name        : tomcat6
>>>> Arch        : x86_64
>>>> Version     : 6.0.24
>>>> Release     : 83.el6_6
>>>> Size        : 92 k
>>>> Repo        : updates
>>>> First of all, you have to select Tomcat 6 as opposed to Tomcat on
>>>> CentOS 6.6.  I understand that the Tomcat 7 version is only available
>>>> in the EPEL repository.
>>>> Here's the information for tomcat.noarch from the EPEL repository.
>>>> Name        : tomcat
>>>> Arch        : noarch
>>>> Version     : 7.0.33
>>>> Release     : 4.el6
>>>> Size        : 86 k
>>>> Repo        : epel
>>>> The key thing to look at in both of these listings is the Release tag.
>>>> RedHat (and I suppose other vendors) release updates to their packages
>>>> that include backports for certain issues. In general, RedHat
>>>> addresses security issues, but avoids backporting API changes between
>>>> releases of their Linux platform.
>>>> It is very difficult to compare RedHat's version of 6.0.24 or 7.0.33
>>>> with the Apache release. You would have to compare both sets of change
>>>> logs to find out how RedHat's release compared to Apache's release.
>>>> Then, since it doesn't appear that this particular problem was
>>>> uniquely identified in the Apache Tomcat changelogs, you would have to
>>>> determine what change (and when) fixed the issue.
>>>> Finally, you would then have to lobby RedHat to include the
>>>> appropriate change into their repackaging of Tomcat.
>>>> Lots of work . . .
>>>> This is one of the reasons why most people on the list advocate using
>>>> Apache-distributed packages. In the end, it's easier for everyone
>>>> (mailing list members, Apache Tomcat users, and system administrators).
>>>> As André pointed out above, this is a system administrator issue, not
>>>> a Tomcat issue. If there are policies in place that preclude third
>>>> party packaged applications running in production, then there are also
>>>> corporate policy issues.
>>>> In short, there are few reasons to stay with a vendor-distributed
>>>> packaging of Tomcat, and quite a few good reasons to move to the
>>>> Apache-distributed packages.
>>>> . . . happily running Apache-distributed packages everywhere
>>>> /mde/
>>> Thanks for your answers. I’ll go in this direction. We already noticed 
>>> another issue between the 2 versions and so I known the current position of 
>>> the sysadmin. I’ll try to argue with your infos and good advices. At the 
>>> beginning of the project, we asked for a tomcat 8. But we’re beginning to 
>>> have linux/redhat, and are building the « norms » to deploy on this system. 
>>> So the sysadmin are not very easy to go apart of versions delivered and 
>>> supported by redhead.
>> You should also decide if you call them redhat or redhead... Their logo 
>> quite clearly has a white head and a red hat.
>> Maybe in defense of the sysadmins, despite what I said earlier, and to show 
>> the other side of the coin : it is inherently sweet for a sysadmin who has 
>> to manage a non-trivial number of Linux systems, with a non-trivial number 
>> of software packages installed on each, to be able to rely on a simple 
>> single command to update a software package from a repository, and have a 
>> supposedly "stable and secure and compatible-with-everything-else" version 
>> installed as a result.  And, to be able to blame someone else if it is not 
>> so.  That's why people pay for redhat Enterprise support after all.
>> This is a perpetual and unresolved debate on this list, because of course 
>> the point of view of developers is different from the point of view of 
>> sysadmins.
>> But they each need one another, so the debate generally remains polite...
>> -------------
>> Maybe still an addendum on a specific point above, as an illustration : you 
>> mention that you requested a Tomcat 8.  That implies Java 7 minimum.  Which 
>> maybe then conflicts with other Java-based packages on the same system, 
>> which may not have (yet) a Java 7 compatible/tested version in the redhat 
>> respository for that same redhat Linux release.
>> Things can quickly get out of hand there, from an overburdened sysadmin's 
>> point of view.
>> A number of our corporate customers have the following policy :
>> - either their IT dept. provides a system with redhat/Suse/whatever 
>> Enterprise Linux and all the packages that we request, in the version that 
>> corresponds to the package repository of ditto Enterprise version.  In that 
>> case, they do the maintenance and support of the system.
>> - or we install some version of a package which is not from their official 
>> repository. They do not forbid this, but in that case they wash their hands 
>> off the system, and it becomes *our* burden to maintain and support it (for 
>> everything).
>> It is a bit frustrating as an external software vendor, but from my own 
>> part-time sysadmin's point of view, I would tend to say "fair enough".
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Thanks, 
> I understand the policy of sysadmin (and more of some in our team as we have 
> other topics — without bugs but features like selling— not related to tomcat 
> to solve and I am more for the admin position on the subject), but in this 
> case, it’s about 2 bugs. We found a workaround for the other. For this one, 
> if it hase impacts on the dev it will be more tricky to deal with. 
> oh and for redhat (and not redhead), it’s my e-mail client that did automatic 
> « correction » : I revert one but didn’t see the last one.

Oh and we do use Java 8 (and we really use Java 8 features) : a very good help 
to implements the features we were asked to deliver. 


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