On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty <
sreyan.mail...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I planning to use JPA (Hibernate) in a small project that I am developing.
> Now I have heard a lot about the benefits of using Container Managed
> Transactions(CMT) for JPA in web apps. But most of the tutorials on the web
> use either GlassFish or JBoss, so I was wondering is CMT supported by
> Tomcat. Send me a link to the documentation for this if there is any.
> Please note that I am going to use a datasource to connect to my database
> and I am using persistence.xml(JPA style) to use Hibernate.

If you're referring to JTA, then no.  Tomcat doesn't implement that.
Tomcat only implements a subset of the JEE spec.


However most of the parts of the spec that Tomcat does not implement can be
pulled in via libraries.  For JTA you can use a third party implementation
with Tomcat.  Atomikos, JOTM and Bitronix are ones that come to mind.

These docs are a little dated, but should get you started.



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