
When using async servlets with timeout set to 0, tomcat seems not to detect, if 
the client closes the connection.
At least the servlet listener is not notified.

I expected "AsyncListener.onComplete" or "AsyncListener.onError" or 
"AsyncListener.onTimeout", but none of these are called.
The only thing called is "ReadListener.onAllDataRead" but that’s expected as 
the request is a POST request with few inbound data but long running outbound 

Now we have no way to detect when the connection to the client is broken.
On TCP level the connection was closed (FIN/FIN+ACK), so tomcat should know 
that the connection is gone.
Is there any way to get notified about that or at least to check manually?


BTW: I am posting new questions that are not direct follow-ups as top messages. 
If there is another policy for this list, please let me know.

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