Hi All,

Tomcat stopped working (blank page when browsing to the website using

Checking in the catalina.2015-04-21.log on one of the problematic servers,
following messages were seen :

*Apr 21, 2015 11:35:11 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig tldScanJar*
*WARNING: Failed to process JAR
<!88.IP.L5/java/jar/ito_op_addon.jar!/>] for TLD
*java.util.zip.ZipException: zip file is empty*
*Apr 21, 2015 11:35:11 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
*SEVERE: Context [/docs] startup failed due to previous errors*

The file on which it gives a warning exists and indeed empty.
# file /cfmu/appcm/CFMU/CFMU_CONFIG\!\!88.IP.L5/java/jar/ito_op_addon.jar
/cfmu/appcm/CFMU/CFMU_CONFIG!!88.IP.L5/java/jar/ito_op_addon.jar: empty

It’s clear that tomcat should NOT scan /cfmu/appcm.

It looks like, once we add the following line into context.xml that it
works again :
*<JarScanner scanClassPath="false" />*

Now the question.  *Why would Tomcat scan the /cfmu/appcm dir *?

We checked the classpath setting on the server, but CLASSPATH env variable
isn't set system-wide.
Besides that there is no reference to cfmu in the
/opt/OV/nonOV/tomcat/b/conf /catalina.properties file.


The dir /cfmu/appcm is a dir coming from our internal tools to keep track
of software version releases. It has nothing to do with Apache.

1.) *So the question is, during a default Tomcat install, where is it
defined that which dirs Tomcat scans* ?
It should not scan the /cfmu/appcm dir

2.) *Can you give me a clue why this dir is scanned, and how this can be

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks & Regards,

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