Here is the web.xml for the main UI webapp
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Mark Thomas <> wrote:

On 09/09/2015 21:30, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hardy,
> On 9/9/15 4:22 PM, Pottinger, Hardy J. wrote:
>> Ha, sorry for the useless detail :-)
> It's no problem. Stymied by the effective use of class extension
> features in an OO language. :)
>>>> Is that enough of a clue?
>>> Ha ha ha, no unfortunately not: pretty much all of the
>>> authenticators extend from AuthenticatorBase, so the only thing
>>> it tells us is that there is at least *some* authenticator.
>>> If nobody else replies, I'll try to trace-through the code to
>>> figure out what kind of authenticator you are getting. I'm
>>> guessing NoLoginAuthenticator is the one, though.
>> Thanks for the offer of tracing through the code. If you're really
>> interested, here is a starting point:
> org/dspace/authenticate
> Yeah,
> I'm not looking-through that. I was going to look at Tomcat's
> source, which should be as far as I'll have to look.
> Or, if one of the other committers with more experience with this code
> (*cough*markt/kkolinko*cough*) could comment, it would save me a bunch
> of time ;)

But you'd learn so much ... ;)

It doesn't matter which Authenticator is installed, they all behave the
same way. The user name from httpd is used to populate the remote user
name and the user principal and the user principal being set is what
bypasses most of the authentication code.

All of the authenticators will cache the Principal in the session if one
exists but none of them (apart from FORM) should ever create one.

The authenticator you will get will depend on whatever is in web.xml.



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