I  had configured virtual directories in glassfish3.x over which I could write 
For an example I could access files at c:/web from http://localhost/TestApp/web 
over which I could also place a filter at my web app's web/xml file with
</filter-mapping>Unfortunately Tomcat 8.0 is not allowing me to write a filter 
above that. It simply ignores the filters and shows the content in the web 
The problem is anybody can access all of the files in the "web" folder.
Any how can we place filter over the virtual directories.
FYI - i have made the web app named "TestApp" and the virtual config is located 
at "$tomcat_dir/conf/Catalina/localhost" directory with the file name 
"TestApp#web.xml" file and having the content<?xml version='1.0' 
<Context docBase="C:/web" debug="0" privileged="true"></Context>
The question is also at stackoverflow - 
Tomcat bugzilla - https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58523

RegardsPraddy, India                                      

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