Thank you Mark for replying. 


> The URL
pattern therefore needs to be "/*"


Could not do anything with the above statement. May be an example could suffice.


Somehow could see an example for PreResources in the internet and this is
how I did it without an TestApp#web.xml file in the Catalina/localhost folder.


<Context antiJARLocking="true"





            webAppMount="/web" />



This works fine with filters.




> Subject: Re: servlet filter not working over virtual directories in tomcat
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 08:15:09 +0100
> On 23/10/2015 03:39, Pradyut Bhattacharya wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I  had configured virtual directories in glassfish3.x over which I could 
> > write filters.
> > For an example I could access files at c:/web from 
> > http://localhost/TestApp/web over which I could also place a filter at my 
> > web app's web/xml file with
> > <filter-mapping>
> >     <filter-name>dir_filter</filter-name>
> >     <url-pattern>/web/*</url-pattern>
> > </filter-mapping>Unfortunately Tomcat 8.0 is not allowing me to write a 
> > filter above that. It simply ignores the filters and shows the content in 
> > the web directory.
> > The problem is anybody can access all of the files in the "web" folder.
> > Any how can we place filter over the virtual directories.
> > FYI - i have made the web app named "TestApp" and the virtual config is 
> > located at "$tomcat_dir/conf/Catalina/localhost" directory with the file 
> > name "TestApp#web.xml" file and having the content<?xml version='1.0' 
> > encoding='utf-8'?> 
> > <Context docBase="C:/web" debug="0" privileged="true"></Context>
> > The question is also at stackoverflow - 
> >
> > Tomcat bugzilla -
> Tomcat is doing exactly what you have configured it to do. There is no
> Tomcat bug here, just user error.
> With a context.xml file named TestApp#web.xml you have a defined a new
> web application with a context path of "/TestApp/web" and a docBase of
> "C:\web"
> The URL pattern therefore needs to be "/*"
> If you want to mount "C:\web" inside an existing web application using
> the path "/web" then you need to define a PreResources or PostResources
> element using the org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet
> implementation. See
> for more
> details.
> Mark
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