My problem has been solved.  In the tomcat7w.exe, I had to add the following to 
the Java Options:


I also had to remove:

With the removal of -Xgc and the addition of the -Djava.library.path, the 
service successfully started.

-----Original Message-----
From: Terence M. Bandoian [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:46 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Problem starting Tomcat 7.0.59 as a Windows Service

On 1/12/2016 10:04 AM, McDermott, Becky wrote:
> I used the Java options provided by IBM.  Since Tomcat will successfully 
> start using the startup batch files, I assume that these settings are fine.  
> I've tried playing with the settings and cannot get it to work either.  I 
> seems like it's some sort of weird Windows thing.
> I have successfully configured these services before with prior version of 
> IBM's CLM.  The difference in those previous versions was that Tomcat came 
> bundled with t heir product.  For this latest IBM version, Tomcat was not 
> bundled and they provided instructions for downloading it from Apache and 
> instructions for where to install it.
> I have escalated the issue with IBM's support and since they are providing 
> the JVM, it is probably their issue but wanted to put it out to the larger 
> community to see if anyone has ever had this issue before.  A user on the 
> user forums said that the memory error in the Tomcat log file is a red 
> herring and that it is giving that memory allocation error because the JVM 
> didn't actually start.  So, the issue seems more connected to the error in 
> the Windows Event viewer ("cannot open file").

Hi, Becky-

Have you tried the Tomcat Windows Service Installer available on the download 
page (  In my experience, it makes it 
much easier to get Tomcat up and running as a Windows service.  In addition, a 
configuration app is included which further simplifies the process.

With your current setup, I'd start by checking the Log On settings of the 
service and the permissions of the Tomcat files and folders.

-Terence Bandoian

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8:59 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Problem starting Tomcat 7.0.59 as a Windows 
> Service
> Becky,
> On 1/12/16 10:42 AM, McDermott, Becky wrote:
>> >I am integrating Tomcat with the IBM CLM 6.0.1 collaboration tools.  Per 
>> >IBM's installation instructions, I downloaded and extracted Tomcat 7.0.59 
>> >to my server.
>> >
>> >I am successfully able to start the Tomcat server from the command line 
>> >using the batch files provided by the IBM application (C:\Program 
>> >Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\server.startup.bat).  Tomcat starts as 
>> >well as all of the IBM CLM applications.
>> >
>> >The problem I'm having is when I try to configure tomcat to run as a 
>> >Windows service.  I have followed the instructions provided by IBM:
>> >
>> >
>> >1.       Set the environment variable CATALINA_HOME to C:\Program 
>> >Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\tomcat
>> >
>> >2.       Deleted existing tomcat7 services using:  sc delete tomcat7
>> >
>> >3.       Re-booted the machine
> Note that, depending upon how you set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable, 
> rebooting will lose this value. I'm not sure the reboot was necessary.
>> >4.       Installed the new tomcat service from the Tomcat bin directory:  
>> >service.bat install tomcat7
>> >
>> >5.       Configured the service using:  tomcat7w.exe
>> >
>> >1.       Clicked "Java" tab
>> >
>> >2.       Cleared "Use default" checkbox
>> >
>> >3.       Added the following path to the Java Virtual machine:  C:\Program 
>> >Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll
>> >
>> >4.       Added the following lines to the end of the java Options text 
>> >field:
>> >-DJAZZ_HOME=file:///C:/PROGRA~1/IBM/JazzTeamServer_601/server/conf
>> >-Djava.awt.headless=true
>> >-Dorg.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin.doNotLoadResourcesPlugin=
>> >tr ue\Program
>> >Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\tomcat\temp
>> >-Djazz.connector.sslEnabledProtocols=TLSv1.2
>> >-Djazz.connector.algorithm=IbmX509
>> >-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///C:/PROGRA~1/IBM/JazzTeamServer_601/ser
>> >ve
>> >r/conf/
>> >-Xgcpolicy:gencon
>> >-Xcompressedrefs
>> >-Xgc:preferredHeapBase=0x100000000
>> >-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G
> That's a BIG buffer. Do you need 1G NIO buffers? A web-based video-editing 
> application?
>> >-Xmx4G
>> >-Xms4G
>> >-Xmn1g
> What is -Xmn? It's probably not a problem, but I thought I'd point-out 
> something that looks weird.
>> >Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\Oracle\ojdb6.jar
>> >
>> >5.       Cleared the following fields:
>> >
>> >*         Initial memory pool
>> >
>> >*         Maximum memory pool
>> >
>> >*         Thread stack size
>> >
>> >6.       In the Startup and Shutdown tabs, confirmed that "jvm" was 
>> >selected for the "Mode" setting
>> >
>> >When I try to start the service from Windows Services, I receive the 
>> >following error:
>> >
>> >Services
>> >Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat 7.0 tomcat7 on Local Computer.  
>> >For more information, review the System Event Log.  If this is a 
>> >non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor and refer to 
>> >service-specific error code 4.
>> >
>> >When I look at the Windows Event Viewer, there is an error that corresponds 
>> >to the time I tried to start the service:
>> >
>> >The Apache Tomcat 7.0 tomcat7 service terminated with the following 
>> >service-specific error:
>> >The system cannot open the file.
>> >
>> >The tomcat log file:  tomcat7-stderr.2016-01-12.log contains:
>> >2016-01-12 08:35:10 Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized 
>> >JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc27(2): Failed to 
>> >instantiate heap; 4G requested
>> >
>> >I have contacted IBM support but they have not provided me a solution at 
>> >this point.  I thought I would submit here to see if it could be a Tomcat 
>> >service issue specific to Windows.  Here is my host information:
>> >Windows Server 2012 Standard
>> >Processor:  Siz-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8431 2.41 GHz 
>> >Installed Memory (RAM):  10.0 GB System Type:  64-bit Operating 
>> >System, x64-based processor
>> >
>> >I also submitted a question to an IBM Jazz user forum and was told that the 
>> >Windows Event viewer is indicating that the JVM cannot be started because 
>> >it cannot find a file that is needed.  The user suggested that since my 
>> >Tomcat and jvm are installed in "C:\Program Files" that perhaps it is a 
>> >path issue.  I have checked all paths and have even changed all references 
>> >to "PROGRA~1".  When I installed the service, I ran the install from a 
>> >Windows Command Prompt that I opened using "Run as Administrator".
>> >
>> >Since Tomcat will start fine from the command line batch files, this is 
>> >perplexing.  Has anyone ever run into this?
> Is it possible that you have the 32-bit service runner? That would 
> cause the JVM to run in 32-bit mode when you launch as a service. 
> Selecting the JVM DLL directly should definitely select the right JVM 
> (and
> architecture!) but I'm not an expert on Windows and Windows Services.
> -chris
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