> Hello,
> tomcat version: 8.0.22
> java: jdk1.8.0_05
> server: Amazon Linux AMI
> When deploying my web application to my production environment (detailed
> above), I get a message:
> *The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal
> performance in production environments was not found on the
> java.library.path*
> So I wanted to install the Apache Tomcat Native library (does this 
> performance even for a web app that doesn't use SSL?)
> According to the documentation: http://tomcat.apache.org/native-doc/
> I installed the apr-devel and openssl-devel packages with the command:
> yum install apr-devel openssl-devel
> However, I don't understand the next part of the instructions which
> discusses the "make && make install" command.
> From where do I run this command? I searched and I could not find a
> "jni/native" directory.
> From where do I run the "./configure --help" command and the other
> "./configure" commands?
> Thank you.

Those commands mean you compile source code of those libraries. So you 
have to either download source code as zip archives and extract them or 
check it out from version control. You probably need more C development 
tools like a compiler.

Instead of compiling it yourself you can try to install a precompiled 
version from your linux disros repositories:

yum install apr tomcat-native

If you use a recent version of tomcat it might happen that precompiled 
libraries are outdated.

If you just want to avoid that log message you can disable apr connector 
AprLifecycleListener in server.xml.


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