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- -chris

On 2/1/16 7:50 AM, Subhro Paul wrote:
> Hi Team,
> Our web application has a "header.jsp" which has 2  Arraylist on
> it. Each ArrayList has more than 50 items inside. The code is to
> identify the mobile device and requested page and transfer the call
> to mobile page accordingly.
> This code works fine once we restart the server and can continue
> running 2 months without any issue. But day by day it starts
> showing 500 error with exception in log
> "ConcurrentModificationException". Below is the code snippet of JSP
> code. My Question is why this issue is happening around 2 months?
> If we clear the temp file created by the server in work folder then
> that will run for some time( 2- 3 days) and then again the same 
> exception starts occurring. I have identified one solution by
> moving the JAVA code from JSP to JAVA file which worked good while
> perform testing but client wants to know the root cause of the
> issue.
> FYI, earlier we had Vector in place of Arraylist which gave trouble
> of thread blocking due to synchronization. So, converting from
> Arraylist to Vector will not be a good idea.
> Exception:
> java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at 
> java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:859) 
> at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:831) at 
> org.apache.jsp.includes.header_jsp.isHomePage(header_jsp.java:97)
> Code Snippet:
> <%! private Set uas = new HashSet(); ArrayList<String> urlnames =
> new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> excludePathList = new
> ArrayList<String>();
> private boolean haveToRedirect(HttpServletRequest request, String
> stopMobiCookie) { boolean doRedirect = false;
> String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); if (!
> stopMobiCookie.equals("yes") && userAgent != null && 
> userAgent.length()!=0 && (userAgent.indexOf("UsableNet")==-1)) {
> Iterator iter = uas.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if
> (userAgent.indexOf((String)iter.next())!=-1) { doRedirect = true; 
> break;
> } } } return doRedirect; }
> private boolean isHomePage(HttpServletRequest request){ 
> Iterator<String> itr = urlnames.iterator(); String path = ""; while
> (itr.hasNext()) { path = itr.next(); if 
> (request.getRequestURI().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(path)){ return
> true; } } return false; }
> private boolean isExcludePath(HttpServletRequest request){ 
> Iterator<String> itr = excludePathList.iterator(); String path =
> ""; while (itr.hasNext()) { path = itr.next(); if
> (request.getRequestURI().startsWith(path) && 
> !request.getRequestURI().startsWith("/info/contact.jsp")){ return
> true; } } return false; }
> %>
> <%
> uas.add("Blazer"); uas.add("Danger hiptop"); uas.add("DoCoMo/"); 
> uas.add("Ericsson"); uas.add("Googlebot-Mobile"); uas.add("MSN
> Mobile Proxy"); uas.add("Handheld"); uas.add("HTC_HD2_T58585
> Opera"); uas.add("iPhone"); uas.add("iPod"); uas.add("Klondike"); 
> uas.add("LG-"); uas.add("LGE-"); ....... Arround 40 items
> excludePathList.add("/business/my_account"); 
> excludePathList.add("/business/save_energy"); 
> excludePathList.add("/business/services"); 
> excludePathList.add("/business/small_large_business"); 
> excludePathList.add("/info/environment"); 
> excludePathList.add("/info/about"); 
> excludePathList.add("/info/index.jsp"); 
> excludePathList.add("/info/ambassador.jsp"); ........ more than 50
> items
> stopMobiCookie = some cookie code
> boolean doRedirect = haveToRedirect((HttpServletRequest)request, 
> stopMobiCookie);
> if(doRedirect){ boolean isHomePage = 
> isHomePage((HttpServletRequest)request); boolean isExcludePath = 
> isExcludePath((HttpServletRequest)request);
> session.setAttribute("mobile_agent", "yes");
> if(!isHomePage && !isExcludePath){ String mobileServer =
> "mobile.server.com"; try{ mobileServer = mobileServer + 
> request.getRequestURI().toString(); }catch(Exception e){} %> 
> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location 
> ="<%=mobileServer%>"; </script> <% } } %>
> Thanks & Regards Subhro Paul =====-----=====-----===== Notice: The
> information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to
> it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are 
> not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, review,
> distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in
> this e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly
> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, 
> please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and immediately and
> permanently delete the message and any attachments. Thank you
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