On 08.03.2016 15:15, Joleen Barker wrote:
Thank you for the idea. Worst case scenario, that is what I would have to
do but I'm hoping someone that may have more experience than myself with be
able to see that one thing I am missing. Another pair of eyes is always a
good thing.

Unfortunately Joleen, you are here encountering the typical "irresistible force against unmovable object" paradigm. Every programmer in the world suffers from hubris and laziness. Java and Tomcat programmers are no different. Logging is boring, and it is thus not something that the average program author thinks about very much or spends a lot of time on, until their supposedly perfect opus (here the hubris element) crashes badly, and they are at a loss to explain where or why. And when that happens, rather than going through the code again, and insert the simple and explicit logging statements which could have been there in the first place, they would much rather "delegate" the work to some outside agent, whose setup is preferably to be done by someone else (here the laziness element). And since this external logging agent has no idea of the logic of the piece of code it is supposed to log things about, perforce it has to be some quite complex opus itself, with a lot of cryptic configuration elements telling it where to insert itself, what to pick up and where to send it. Hence something like log4j (which is in itself an admirable piece of work, and may well be an opus of a magnitude and complexity similar to Tomcat, say. Ok, not quite; it's jar file is only about 1/3 the size of the Tomcat jars). So anyway, in the same way that no normal programmer really likes going through the code of someone else and attempting to understand it, not many people like to go through the log4j configuration file of someone else (which pretty much looks like its own programming language). So unless you find a really empathic soul here, it looks like you may now be pretty much on your own now, or to say this more canonically : the implementation details are left as an exercise to the reader.

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