
On 3/8/16 8:44 PM, Jason Overland wrote:
> Okay, so I checked out Tomcat 8.0.32 from source control. I then
> reverted MemoryRealm's authenticate method to how it was in 7.0.26 and
> built Tomcat and now my authentication works.  This of course is not a
> solution, but it obviates most of my other questions.  I guess the
> important question is: how do I set the CredentialHandler on the
> MemoryRealm?

The way you are setting the CredentialHandler is correct:

>>   <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" digest="SHA">
>>     <CredentialHandler algorithm="SHA"
>> className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MessageDigestCredentialHandler"/>
>>   </Realm>

You actually don't need to specify the CredentialHandler if you specify
the "digest" attribute, since Tomcat will synthesize a
MessageDigestCredentialHandler for you and use the "digest" as the
"algorithm". But it doesn't hurt to do what you have done.

> For authentication our configuration is using a MemoryRealm with
> digest="SHA".  We are storing usernames and passwords in a
> tomcat-users.xml file.  We are using a jaas.config which specifies to
> use a org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASMemoryLoginModule.  We have our
> own implementation of a CallbackModule.

I must admit I'm not sure how the JAAS configuration fits into all this
(I simply have no JAAS experience). But I suspect that since
JAASMemoryLoginRealm extends RealmBase, it needs to be configured similarly.

The <Realm> you have in server.xml looks to be configured correctly, but
I'm not sure it's being used if JAAS is in play. I wouldn't be surprised
if JAAS is creating a separate instance of the JAASMemoryLoginRealm
(which is a MemoryRealm) and never setting any of those properties.

It looks like the best way to set those properties is via the "options"
for the realm:

>> jaas.config:
>> /** JAAS Login Configuration for the Application **/
>> JAASTomcat {
>>    org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASMemoryLoginModule required debug=true;
>> };

Instead of simply "debug=true" for the options, we might want to add
"digest=SHA" and then handle it in the initializer for JAASMemoryLoginRealm.

I think the reason that this works in the older code is that the default
algorithm of SHA is built-into the MemoryRealm and doesn't require the
new CredentialHandler stuff. The new method for creating a
CredentialHandler without actually specifying one (i.e. digest="SHA")
requires that the "digest" actually be set to something. Since that's
not happening, you get an NPE.

Since you are willing to build your Tomcat from source, can I give you a
patch to test?

This is definitely a bug, please file it in Bugzilla if you wouldn't mind:


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