
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Give this patch a try:
> ...
> I have no idea how the options get parsed; we'll see if this simple
> implementation will get you going again.
> -chris

The parsing is working correctly.  After applying the patch I could
login successfully.  Then I added digest=SHA to jaas.config and it
stopped working ("wrong password").

On further inspection I found that our CallbackHandler was digesting
the password before passing it back to the JAASMemoryModule, however
CredentialHandler expects inputCredentials to be plaintext.  So I
commented out the part of our CallbackHandler that digests the
password and now it's working.  That seems ok to me.

So I think this patch is sufficient to get us going again.  Thanks for
the quick turnaround.  If this patch looks good to everyone, do you
think it can make it into the next Tomcat patch release?

Also, yesterday I made a bug on bugzilla.

Thanks again,

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