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On 4/28/16 1:12 PM, Lyallex wrote:
> apache-tomcat-7.0.42 jdk1.8.0_77 CentOS Linux 7.2.1511 
> urlrewritefilter-4.0.3.jar
> I'm using the rewrite filter from http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/
> I have a rule, it's supposed to 301 perm-redirect from http to 
> https
> <rule> <name>seo redirect</name> <condition name="host" 
> operator="notequal">^www.example.com</condition> <condition 
> name="host" operator="notequal">^localhost</condition> 
> <from>^/(.*)</from> <to type="permanent-redirect" 
> last="true">https://www.example.com/$1</to> </rule>
> The problem is despite setting the to-type to permanent-redirect 
> I'm actually getting a 302 temporary-redirect.
> I know this is probably off topic but if anyone has any experience 
> of this I'd be gratefull to hear how you solved it

- From the documentation for "condition":

notequal       Not equal to. (i.e. request value != condition value).
Note, this operator *only work with numeric rule types*.
(emphasis mine)

Then again, there is immediately following it an example of where a
regular expression is almost certainly being used:

<condition name="user-agent" operator="notequal">Mozilla/[1-4]</conditio

You might want to post a question to the Google Group for url-rewrite.
This might be a bug (at least in their documentation).

As for the incorrect redirect status, are you sure it's the rewrite
filter redirecting you? Jieryn points-out in a separate reply that if
you are using a user-data-constraint, you may already be redirected by
Tomcat before url-rewrite gets to look at the request.

- -chris
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