Without seeing actual code, we can only guess. 

Have you made two consecutive calls to invalidate() [on the same thread] and
not received the documented exception?

Are you getting a different session id from getId()?

I am guessing you are making a second request, which creates a brand new

What mechanism(s) are you using for logging in?  Your own?  Basic?  If the
latter, your browser will reuse the credentials as long as the browser
window is alive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:33 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: HttpSession.invalidate() not working as expected

I am trying to invalidate my session by calling HttpSession.invalidate(),
the problem I am having is after I log in as a user, then log out, then log
back in, the second log in doesn't call any of my authentication methods.
On logout I am calling
HttpSession.invalidate() which doesn't throw any exceptions.  To test
whether the invalidate method was actually working I made a second call to
HttpSession.invalidate() which according to the API should throw an
exception on the call to invalidate an already invalidated method.  This
second invalidate doesn't throw an exception and I can still call
HttpSession.getId() and have it return a valid value.  Could someone tell me
why the invalidate() method is not really invalidating or a suggestion on a
better way to do this?


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