there's the tuto :
use sha2 root and intermediate and for the last use my_certificate
here's the repo :

Le 04/06/2016 00:18, Hardibo Pierre-Jean a écrit :
gdig2.crt is intermediate my_certificate must be the last to configure so i think bundle may be the root.

Le 04/06/2016 00:13, Conor Skyler a écrit :
Hello Pierre,

Yes, I contacted the technical support at GoDaddy and then basically told
me that I'm on my own and that I should find someone that knows how to
handle the configuration -- that's all the aid they gave me.

I think that there two separate problems here.
First one, the mismatch between the files I receive zipped and the ones
referred in the website when it reads:

"The file names for your root and intermediate certificates depend on your
signature algorithm.

    - SHA-1 root certificate: gd_class2_root.crt
    - SHA-2 root certificate: gdroot-g2.crt
    - SHA-1 intermediate certificate: gd.intermediate.crt
    - SHA-2 intermediate certificate: gdig2.crt
    - (*Java 6/7 only*) SHA-2 Root Certificate: gdroot-g2_cross.crt"

But the files I get when I unzip the downloaded archive are:


So first thing here is that I don't how to use them when following the
instructions stated on the site (the only one I can identify is

With the second issue my guess is that it might be related to the KeyStore
file not holding the private key:
I wasn't given the original tomcat.keystore file (following the example on GoDaddy's website) so here I'm starting from the scratch, generating a new
What I have though is a PEM file from the person I presume the .csr request file; is there a way to add it to the KeyStore file I create when following
the instructions on GoDaddy's site?

Thank you very much for stepping in!

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Hardibo Pierre-Jean <>

there's all here no ?

Le 03/06/2016 22:37, Conor Skyler a écrit :

Hi again,

At this point I don't know what else to try: I carefully gone through the
process stated at GoDaddy's website once again trying different
combinations with the certificates (as the instructions provided by
doesn't match the certificates you download) but the result was the same
as before, it didn't work.

Early today I found this post in StackOverflow: which somehow brought some hope to me as the title states literally the
issue I'm having: '

Sadly after trying everything what's shown there and reading tons of stuff
I still can't make the KeyStore work with my Tomcat server.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Conor Skyler <>

Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for stepping in, I’m processing a new set of
certificates that I hope to try tomorrow.

Warm regards,

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Daniel Mikusa <>

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 11:26 PM, Conor Skyler <>

Hello list,
I'm trying to install the certificates I bought from GoDaddy into my


server, however so far I've been unsuccessful to achieve this.

My system specs are:
OS: Amazon Linux (fully updated)
Tomcat version: 8.0.32, installed from the repos
Java version: $ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

To install the certificates I followed this tutorial from GoDaddy


which explains how to create a KeyStore and configure the <Connector>
the server.xml file.

Follow these instructions.

Now, judging from the official Tomcat documentation in it's stated

that I

first need to conver the .crt files provided by GoDaddy to PKCS12

format --

I wonder then why the instructions in GoDaddy's website state other

There's more than one way to do this. If you started out by following
GoDaddy instructions to generate your CSR, then continue to follow them
import your signed certificate.

But then I read this piece of documentation that left me completely
To import an existing certificate signed by your own CA into a PKCS12
keystore using OpenSSL you would execute a command like:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycert.crt -inkey mykey.key
-out mycert.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile myCA.crt
                         -caname root -chain

In this example there's a reference to a 'mykey.key' file that I don't
have a clue how to obtain it or from where it comes since when I
download the certificates provided by GoDaddy, there's no such .key
file: I can download several different types of certificates in .crt
format but there isn't any .key file to download.

This has to do with the way that you generated the CSR. The GoDaddy
instructions have you using keytool and a keystore. In this case, your private key will exist in the keystore, so you won't have a .key file
that's OK.

I tried contacting their support and well, they weren't any helpful at
all, they pointed me to the repository where all the certificates are stored and told me to 'find someone that knows how to handle them' --
thanks for nothing :(

Finally I want to say that I have Tomcat running smooth at port 8080,
I even configured an administrator user to access the status page
which works perfectly, my problem is that I just can't find how to
properly install and configure the SSL.

Follow the GoDaddy instructions. They should work. If you get stuck
on a
specific step, let us know.


What I'm not sure though is what part or steps I'm missing, I believe
this has to be much more simpler that it's been so far for me but
seriously I can't wrap my mind around it.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this n00b's help

Best regards,

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