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All good points. Some notes are below, in-line.

On 6/11/16 2:13 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
> Hi Edwin:
> On 6/11/2016 9:43 AM, Edwin Quijada wrote:
>> Hi! I am trying to put Apache in front of Tomcat , DEbian Jessie
>> but it become a titanic work without success. I read all info
>> about this and seems it is easy but doesnt work.
>> I am using APache 2.4+ Jessie +Tomcat 8.035 , I use this tuto 
>> http://www.zeitoun.net/articles/configure-mod_proxy_ajp-with-tomcat/s
How to configure mod_proxy_ajp with Tomcat -
>> Zeitoun<http://www.zeitoun.net/articles/configure-mod_proxy_ajp-with-
>> mod_proxy_ajp is an Apache module which can be used to forward a 
>> client HTTP request to an internal Tomcat application server
>> using the AJP protocol.
>> but doesnt work , I seek others sources and all has the same info
>> but I cant work for me
>> When I go myserver.com I get an error "Server Not Found" when I
>> go to the logs catalina.out and error.log for apache doesnt say
>> anything
>> This is my 000-default.conf
>> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost #DocumentRoot
>> /var/www/html
>> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
>> CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
>> <Proxy *> AddDefaultCharset Off Order deny,allow Allow from all 
>> </Proxy>
>> # this will pass all the requests from httpd to tomcat8 ProxyPass
>> / ajp://localhost:8009/fortunamovil ProxyPassReverse / 
>> ajp://localhost:8009/fortunamovil </VirtualHost>
>> I have installed AJP modules for Apache and everything but really
>> I dont know to do
>> I activate the coneecto AJP in the server.xml
>> Please, any cluees , help because this is make me crazy!!
> There are lots of things going on here, and I'll just mention a
> few.
> 1. "Server Not Found"
> This has nothing to do with Apache HTTPD or Apache Tomcat and
> everything to do with DNS.
> How do you access your Debian Jessie system?
> If you do this on the local host, then you could access it via 
> http://localhost/ in the browser.
> If you do this from a remote machine, then you are probably
> accessing it via http://myserver.com/ in the browser. If
> myserver.com is not resolvable via DNS to an IP address, then
> you'll get the error that you reported.
> The easiest way to fix that is to edit the hosts file (/etc/hosts
> on Linux, %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc on Windows 7) and add the
> following line:
> ip.address myserver.com
> where ip.address is the address of the machine, for example
> 2. proxying
> I know a lot of people who favor mod_proxy_ajp over mod_ajp or 
> mod_proxy_http. I personally prefer mod_ajp, but many people find
> it a bit more confusing.
> Anyway, I'm not an expert on mod_proxy family, but I'll try to make
> some comments.

I think you mean mod_jk, not mod_ajp, right?

> a. Don't change contexts
> That means if your WAR file is called fortunamovil.war, don't proxy
> it as /. If you want your application to be the default application
> for the Apache HTTPD / Apache Tomcat server, rename your war file
> to ROOT.war (case is important).
> There are a lot of edge cases where things don't quite work out as 
> planned when you proxy cross-context. People get strange 404
> errors, and usually have to fiddle with cookies, return paths, and
> making sure that nothing in the code returns the fully qualified
> URL.
> b. proxy statement
> This is rather scary:
> <Proxy *> AddDefaultCharset Off Order deny,allow Allow from all 
> </Proxy>
> This is an open proxy, so it is best to make sure your applications
> are secure (or limit your proxy).

This is SUPER SCARY and is likely a misunderstanding between forward
and reverse proxying. Forward-proxying is for snooping on your
employees browsing habits by requiring them to go through your proxy
server to get out to the Internet. Reverse-proxying is hiding servers
behind other servers for a number of reasons.

> At least add ProxyRequests Off to your configuration. This will
> prevent your server from serving as forward proxy server. It does
> NOT impact the ProxyPass directives.
> c. ProxyPass
> If you follow item 'a' above, then you won't need a
> ProxyPassReverse statement. Just the following should do:
> ProxyPass "/app" "ajp://localhost:8009/app"
> In general, I find it nicer to proxy each individual application
> rather than the following:
> ProxyPass "/" "ajp://localhost:8009/"
> This sends everything to Tomcat.
> One of the reasons to run Apache HTTPD in front of Apache Tomcat is
> to allow Apache HTTPD to serve PHP / Python / Ruby / Perl
> applications. The above line proxies everything to Tomcat, which
> would prevent Apache HTTPD from serving anything.
> d. To proxy or not to proxy
> If you're not ever going to use Apache HTTPD as a web server (SSL, 
> non-Java web applications, mod_security, some authorization tools
> such as SiteMinder), then there's no reason to run Apache HTTPD at
> all.

My favorite reason: high-availability. You can bounce Tomcat and still
respond to HTTP requests while Tomcat is restarting.

> Modify your HTTP connector to run on 80 (and another for 443 if
> you're using SSL), and use one of the many documented ways of
> running Apache Tomcat on port 80 as a non-root user. I'm sure
> Debian Jessie has those tools available.
> Here is a link to using commons-daemon:
> https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/setup.html#Unix_daemon

... otherwise known as "jsvc".

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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