Thanks André,

1. ANS-Question 1 = Both Tomcat & WebServer installed on different
Machines, Attached Architecture diagram of our environment. Our Tomcat are
configured as Application Clustering, and WebServer1 is pointing to Tomcat1
and WebServer2 is pointing to Tomcat2
Tomcat's IP (Node1):
WebServer's IP (Node1):

Tomcat's IP (Node2):
WebServer's IP (Node2):

2. ANS-Question 2 = Thanks, Thats fine :)

3. ANS-Question 3 = Attached Architecture diagram for your reference.



On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 11:20 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <>

> On 08.08.2016 09:14, Jayaram Ponnusamy wrote:
>> Thanks for your Quick & Valuable Response,
>> 1. ANS-Question 1: No Both Are different Machine, We are using VirtualHost
>> configuration
> That is not consistent with the configuration that you sent.
> You have a ServerName (in Apache) named as "ServerName" (which
> is not a proof, but a suggestion that the IP of this machine is
> And you have this line in :
> which suggest that Tomcat answers to the same address.
> So why are you saying "different machine" ?
> 2. ANS-Question 2: Kindly please share Optimal Value to Set for
>> ConnectionTimeout & KeepAliveTimeout if required
> One again, there is no "optimal" value for all cases.
> But the default values should cover most of the usual cases.
> The default values are the ones that are active if you do not specify the
> parameter at all.  So just remove these parameters, and you should be ok.
> If there is a problem such as you mention below, it is NOT because of the
> default value of these parameters.
> 3. ANS-Question 3: Yes We have Firewall, but there is no rules. I just
>> googled and updated this value to tuning server. Now I removed
> Can you draw a simple schema of your configuration ? (ASCII-art)
> Showing clearly :
> - where is the workstation
> - where is Apache httpd
> - where is the firewall
> - where is Tomcat
> We do not have access to your server, so it is more complicated for
> helping you, unless you provide us with precise information.
> 4. ANS-Question 4: I am new to Apache, While searching in Google, Based on
>> some recommandationI tried. I removed all these items.
> Good.
> Now I am monitoring systems, whether still its closing connections or not.
>> sir, While directly using Tomcat URL, pages are loading 1-2 Seconds, but
>> the same page taking 6-7 Seconds in WebServer URL.
>> Also, If I didn't use WebServer URL for 30minutes and hit any URL, first
>> time its taking more than 30 Seconds to load a page.
>> Is there any option to tuning the system.
> See item 3 above.
> Clearly, you have a problem.  But without knowing your exact
> configuration, we can only guess.  Clearly also, it is not a problem of
> Tomcat per se.
> To me, with the little information available so far, it sounds like it
> could be a problem with DNS or routing, but that's just a wild guess so far.
>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 12:53 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <>
>> wrote:
>> On 07.08.2016 11:08, Jayaram Ponnusamy wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> We are using Tomcat, AJP/1.3 with Apache 2.2.21.
>>>> Connecting Apache to Tomcat as VirtualHost, The Problem is Apache and
>>>> Tomcat losing its connection every 20-30 Minutes. Either We have to hit
>>>> the
>>>> WebServer URL multiple times or Reboot Apache & Tomcat to resolve the
>>>> issue
>>>> for short-time.
>>>> Also accessing WebServer URL is very very slow than tomcat URL (Mostly
>>>> it
>>>> takes 30-45seconds to load a Page).
>>>> I have added tomcat/Apache configurations below, Kindly please help me
>>>> to
>>>> resolve this issue.
>>>> Tomcat (Server.xml):
>>>> <Connector port="9090"
>>>> protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>>>    connectionTimeout="600000"
>>>>    redirectPort="8443"
>>>>    URIEncoding="UTF-8" emptySessionPath="true"/>
>>> <Connector port="9009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"
>>>> URIEncoding="UTF-8" connectionTimeout="600000"/>  <------ (*)
>>>> Apache (
>>>> worker.list=prod_live_svr
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.type=ajp13
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.port=9009
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.lbfactor=50
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.socket_keepalive=1
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_size=100
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_minsize=50
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_timeout=500
>>>> VirtualHost.conf:
>>>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>> ServerName
>>>> ErrorLog logs/live/http_error.log
>>>> RewriteLog logs/live/http_rewrite.log
>>>> RewriteEngine on
>>>> RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^10\.100\.0\.31$
>>>> RewriteRule ^/+$ /sites/  [R,L]
>>>> <IfModule rewrite_module>
>>>> Options +FollowSymlinks
>>>> RewriteEngine On
>>>> RewriteOptions Inherit
>>>> RewriteLog logs/rewrite.log
>>>> </IfModule>
>>>> JkMount   /*        prod_live_svr
>>>> JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>> 1) Question : are Apache httpd and Tomcat on the same machine ?
>>> And if yes, why do you not set
>>> 2) why : connectionTimeout="600000"  (*)
>>> That is 5 minutes.
>>> By default, "keepAliveTimeout" is also that same value.
>>> It means that after a request is processed (and finished) on one instance
>>> of a Connector, this Connector will remain "stuck" on the same connection
>>> for another 5 minutes, before it gives up and closes it.  That is kind of
>>> wasteful.
>>> 3) Why this : worker.prod_live_svr.socket_keepalive=1
>>> Do you have a firewall between Apache httpd and Tomcat ?
>>> 4) Why these ?
>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_size=100
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_minsize=50
>>>> worker.prod_live_svr.connection_pool_timeout=500
>>> See :
>>> --> connection_pool_size
>>> --> connection_pool_minsize
>>> --> connection_pool_timeout  (see also (*) above)
>>> In general (and particularly since you do not seem to be an expert in
>>> this
>>> kind of configuration), you should not set parameters when you do not
>>> understand exactly what they are doing.
>>> The default configurations of Apache httpd, Tomcat and AJP are set by
>>> experts (who know what they are doing), to values which fit a wide range
>>> of
>>> realistic use cases.
>>> I would suggest to rewrite your configuration as follows :
>>> I) Tomcat server.xml :
>>> <Connector port="9009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"
>>>   URIEncoding="UTF-8">
>>> II) Apache httpd, :
>>> worker.list=prod_live_svr
>>> worker.prod_live_svr.type=ajp13
>>> worker.prod_live_svr.port=9009
>>> -----------------
>>> That's it, no other parameters.
>>> The Apache-side mod_jk connector module will by default and reasonably
>>> set
>>> the connection pool size, keepalive and timeout values etc.
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*Thanks & Regards,*
*Jayaram Ponnusamy*
Mobile: +974-5512-3315
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