Hi André,
Kindly please find my answer below:

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:49 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>

> On 09.08.2016 09:48, Jayaram Ponnusamy wrote:
>> Thanks André,
>> Kindly please find my answer below:
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 12:02 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>
>> wrote:
>> On 08.08.2016 11:18, Jayaram Ponnusamy wrote:
>>> Thanks André,
>>>> 1. ANS-Question 1 = Both Tomcat & WebServer installed on different
>>>> Machines, Attached Architecture diagram of our environment. Our Tomcat
>>>> are
>>>> configured as Application Clustering, and WebServer1 is pointing to
>>>> Tomcat1
>>>> and WebServer2 is pointing to Tomcat2
>>>> Tomcat's IP (Node1):
>>>> WebServer's IP (Node1):
>>>> Tomcat's IP (Node2):
>>>> WebServer's IP (Node2):
>>>> 2. ANS-Question 2 = Thanks, Thats fine :)
>>>> 3. ANS-Question 3 = Attached Architecture diagram for your reference.
>>>> There are a lot of separate pieces in your configuration, and the
>>> problem
>>> could be at any level. So we must do this step-by-step, systematically,
>>> and
>>> try to find out exactly where things are not working properly. The
>>> keywords
>>> here are "step-by-step" and "sytematically", because with so many pieces,
>>> if we start making changes left and right without first understanding
>>> what
>>> the problem is, we will never find out.
>>> First, I'll make some comments based on the configuration schema that you
>>> provided, and you will tell me if this is right or wrong, ok ? And I have
>>> some questions in between..
>>> Please answer the questions below directly under each question, to make
>>> it
>>> easier to follow.
>>> 1) Note : I do not know what you mean exactly by "Application
>>> Clustering",
>>> and I don't know exactly how an F5 load-balancer works.  But I will
>>> assume
>>> that in this case, we can consider only the chain from the user
>>> workstation
>>> to Tomcat #1, and that any results can be extrapolated to other cases.
>>> I also assume that Tomcat #1 and Tomcat #2 run the same applications, but
>>> that they are totally independent from eachother, and that Tomcat #1 and
>>> Tomcat #2 never talk to one another directly (true/false ?) ANS: TRUE
>>> 2) I assume that the problems that you are mentioning are happening when
>>> a
>>> user workstation client accesses the Tomcat application as follows :
>>> (You may need to reformat this as 2 text lines, to see it correctly)
>>> user wks <-- HTTP(S) --> F5 <-- HTTP --> Apache #1 + mod_jk <-- AJP -->
>>> Tomcat <-- webapp
>>>                (1)                (2)                             (3)
>>> where :
>>> - HTTP(S) is the protocol used on the connection (1) between the client
>>> workstation and the F5 load-balancer
>>> - HTTP(S) is the protocol used on the connection (2) between the F5
>>> load-balancer and Apache webserver #1 (IP
>>> - AJP is the protocol used on the connection (3) between Apache webserver
>>> #1 ((IP and Tomcat #1 (IP  (*)
>>> - "Tomcat" actually means "Tomcat and its AJP <Connector>, listening on
>>> port 9009
>>> All correct ?
>> ANS::
>>           ||=> WebServer1 (http://web1abc.com/sites)====>Tomcat1 (
>> http://tom1abc:9090/sites)
>> F5 (http://f5.abc.com) =||
>> ||=> WebServer2 (http://web1abc.com/sites)====>Tomcat1 (
>> http://tom21abc:9090/sites)
>> Application Clustering Means, While installing the Second Node (Portal
>> Application on Tomcat) There is an option to choose install as Application
>> cluster. Primarily Tomcat will not talk each other, but Portal Application
>> will consider both are same with clustering
>> 2) To access the application, the user enters a URL in his browser.
>>> Can you give us an example of such a URL ? You can change the real name
>>> of
>>> the server for privacy, but then be consistent about this in the future,
>>> because it is important to follow what is going on.
>>> So let's say for example that the F5 is known to the outside world as "
>>> myF5.mycompany.com", and let's always keep using that same hostname for
>>> it in the future.
>>> So the client enters the URL : http://myF5.mycompany.com.. ?
>>> (Add the port if any, and a sample URL)
>>> ANS:
>> Client Access URL: http://f5abc.com/sites/en_US/about,
>> http://f5abc.com/sites/en_US/offices, http://f5abc.com/sites/ar_QA/n
>> ewsroom
>> Through Tomcat : http://tom1abc:9090/sites/en_US/about,
>> http://tom1abc:9090/sites/en_US/offices,
>> http://tom1abc:9090/sites/ar_QA/newsroom
>>> 3) the F5 decides, on the base of some criteria, to forward this HTTP
>>> request to Apache webserver #1 or Apache webserver #2.
>>> But for the sake of this example, let's assume that it chooses Apache #1
>>> this time.
>>> Question 3.1 : how does the F5 forward this request to Apache webserver
>>> #1
>>> ? does it just copy the original request transparently, and send it to
>>> the
>>> IP address ?
>>> Or does it change the hostname to which the request is addressed ?
>>> (Originally, the client addressed the request to hostname "
>>> myF5.mycompany.com" (which resolves to the IP address of the F5); so
>>> normally, if the F5 does not modify the hostname and sends it "as is" to
>>> Apache #1, then the Apache #1 configuration should have a <VirtualHost>
>>> with a ServerName matching "myF5.mycompany.com" also. And if it does
>>> not,
>>> then Apache #1 can only have 1 VirtualHost, the "default VirtualHost",
>>> otherwise this would not work at all.)
>> ANS: F5 Not changing the Hostname, and keep as it is
>>> If the F5 changes the hostname of the request, then to what does it
>>> change
>>> it ?
>>> Question 3.2 : does Apache #1 have only 1 <VirtualHost> ?
>>> If yes, what are the ServerName and ServerAlias lines in the
>>> configuration
>>> of that <VirtualHost> ? ANS: Yes its having only one <VirtualHost>
>>> Initilly
>>> we kept the ServerName as hostname only, some forum recommends to keep IP
>>> so i modified it. Now i reverted it back to Hostname
>>>> ServerName cmspliv1.com
>>> ServerAlias www.cmspliv1.com
>>> #ServerName
>>> If there are more than one <VirtualHost>, can you provide their
>>> ServerName/ServerAlias, in the same order in which the multiple
>>> <VirtualHost> are listed in the Apache #1 configuration ?
>>> 4)
>>> Question 4.1 : is there anything (other than a network cable or other
>>> passive equipment) between Apache #1 and Tomcat #1 ? (firewall for
>>> example) ANS:
>>> Only Firewall, but both are in different subNet
>>> 5) Tomcat #1 configuration :
>>> Question 5.1 : The server.xml of Tomcat #1 has only 1 <Host> tag.
>>> True/false ? ANS: TRUE
>>> Question 5.2 : the server.xml of Tomcat #1 contains a tag similar to this
>>> one :
>>>    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
>>> What is the value of the "defaultHost" attribute in your server.xml ?
>>> ANS: defaultHost value is "localhost"
>>> Question 5.3 : the server.xml of Tomcat #1 has only one <Host> tag.
>>> True/false ?
>>> Please paste the content of that <Host> tag here : ANS: <Host
>>> name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
>>> 6) Apache httpd :
>>> Apache httpd 2.2.x has several possible configurations, in terms of how
>>> many processes/threads it is using. See this page :
>>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mpm.html
>>> Question 6.1 : Do you know which "model" your Apache #1 is using ? (this
>>> is also called the "MPM"). Is it :
>>> - prefork
>>> or
>>> - worker
>>> or
>>> - event
>>> or
>>> - is your Apache host a Windows machine ? (then the MPM can only be
>>> "mpm_winnt").  ANS: prefork.c
>>> 7) previously, you indicated that "when you access Tomcat directly", you
>>> do not see these problems.  With reference to your schema (and/or the
>>> simple schema that I showed in (2) above), can you explain how the client
>>> accesses Tomcat directly ? ANS: Actually Tomcat URL is not Public URL so,
>>> clients cannot access it from outside. But we enabled access only to our
>>> premisis to access all servers.
>>>> So we will use tomcat hostname & port followed by the context. eg:
>>>> http://tom1abc:9090/sites or
> Thank you for the information provided above.
> Some of it is still a bit confusing however.
> So let me summarise what is clear :
> 1) Tomcat #1 and Tomcat #2 have only 1 <Host> each, and in each case it is
> "localhost", which is also the "default host" in each Tomcat.
> (Basically, that means that it does not matter how a HTTP or AJP request
> *arrives* to Tomcat, it is always executed the same way.
> 2) Apache #1 and Apache #2 also have only 1 <VirtualHost> each, and it is
> thus the default VirtualHost for each one of them.  So for Apache also, it
> does not matter how a request arrives to it; it is always executed in the
> context of this one VirtualHost, no matter which "Host:" header is in the
> request, and no matter which "ServerName" or "ServerAlias" there is in the
> configuration of that one <VirtualHost>.
> 3) When a request "is sent directly to Tomcat", it means actually that you
> are bypassing the F5, bypassing Apache, and accessing Tomcat directly, from
> inside your local network, and through the HTTP Connector of Tomcat (port
> 9090).
> In that case, the processing of the request is also "normal, fast".
> 4) When a request is "sent through Apache", it means actually that it
> comes from the external network, goes through the F5, from there to Apache,
> and from there to Tomcat.
> In that case, you also see various problems, such as slow request
> response, connections lost, etc..
> What is less clear, is the question of the firewall(s). Your answer "it is
> in a different subnet" is not very helpful.
> Referring to your schema (I try to re-attach it), where exactly is that
> firewall ?
> And do the requests that come through the F5, Apache, and to Tomcat,
> actually go through that firewall ?
> It does not matter if that firewall has any "rules" at all; I just want to
> know if the traffic from F5 to Tomcat and vice-versa, goes through the
> firewall or not, and where in the schema the firewall is :
> - between the user and the F5 ?
> - between the F5 and Apache ?
> - between Apache and Tomcat ?
> - somewhere else ?
> Question # 1 :
> From inside your local network, you can access the Tomcats directly,
> without going through the F5 nor Apache.
> Can you also access the Apaches directly, without going through the F5 ?
> (In other words : do the Apache also have an "internal name" which is not
> a public DNS name, and points directly to the Apache internal IP address ?)
> If yes, what happens when you access the Tomcat applications through
> Apache only ?
> - does it work ? (I mean here : can you access the applications that way ?)
> - do you have the same issues as when you access the applications through
> the F5 ?
> *ANS: Yes We are facing the slowness by accessing Apache & F5 URL *

> Question # 2 :
> Does your Tomcat application use sessions ? and did you take this into
> account in your configuration ?
> To explain, an example :
> 1) user1 starts an "application session" by accessing :
> http://f5.abc.com/sites/en_US/offices
> <http://f5abc.com/sites/en_US/offices>  (thus, through the F5 LB).
> 2) the F5 LB directs this first request to Apache/Tomcat #1.
> 3) Tomcat #1 starts a new session (session-id="abc123") for this client
> 4) Tomcat #1 returns a response. This response goes back to the user1, via
> Apache #1 and via the F5.
> 5) user1 gets the response page, and clicks on a second link in that page.
> That link points again to : http://f5.abc.com/sites/en_US/offices/xyz
> <http://f5abc.com/sites/en_US/offices/xyz>.. (thus, to the F5 LB).
> 6) the F5 LB knows nothing about the session, so it sends this second
> request to Apache/Tomcat #2 this time.
> 7) Tomcat #2 receives this second request, which includes the session-id
> "abc123".
> This Tomcat knows nothing about session-id "abc123", so it starts a new
> session for user1 (session-id="xyz987").
> What happens then in your application ? *ANS: As Per my understanding
> Sticky_Session is not enabled, Kindly please assist to fix this issue.*
> The above does not happen if you start a session by accessing Tomcat
> directly (e.g. to "http://tom1abc:9090/sites/en_US/offices";) because
> then, all follow-up actions will always be addressed to the same host, thus
> the same Tomcat, who knows this session.
> There is a mechanism called "sticky sessions", which is designed to avoid
> this issue. Does that ring a bell ?
> Kindly please check my mod_jk.log during connection lost. like if no one
> accessing webserver URL (web1abc.com or web2abc.com) then webserver
> disconnected from tomcat, URL will be active after restarts webServer.

> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.349541
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016][12875:1182443264] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c
>>> (2608): Aborting connection for worker=prod_live_svr
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.148376
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.274469
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016][12883:1182443264] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c
>>> (2608): Aborting connection for worker=prod_live_svr
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.128201
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.008925
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.011010
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.007366
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.004320
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.002569
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.003028
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:11 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.007465
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:21 2016]prod_live_svr web1abc.com 0.005076
>> [Wed Aug 10 10:53:38 2016][12971:1182443264] [warn]
>>> map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (962): Uri * is invalid. Uri
>>> must start with /
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:01:07 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 7.471178
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:01:18 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 67.194556
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:05:43 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 17.388826
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:06:01 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 1.831268
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:13:47 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 17.888968
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:18:03 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 0.018467
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:21:17 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 16.999038
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:27:43 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 16.393558
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:41:17 2016]prod_live_svr f5.abc.com 17.675784
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:48:04 2016][12875:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:48:40 2016][13638:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:50:14 2016][12972:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:51:20 2016][12970:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:51:20 2016][12878:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:51:20 2016][13142:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 11:52:59 2016][13155:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 12:02:58 2016][12874:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 12:03:03 2016][12883:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 12:03:03 2016][13755:1182443264] [info]
>>> ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1496): (prod_live_svr) all endpoints are
>>> disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)
>> [Wed Aug 10 12:03:09 2016][14112:1182443264] [warn]
>>> map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (962): Uri * is invalid. Uri
>>> must start with /
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*Thanks & Regards,*
*Jayaram Ponnusamy*
Mobile: +974-5512-3315

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