Hi there!

In order to resolve an issue with a Tomcat web app, I’m trying to run Tomcat as 
a user other than the default user. Following other advice, I looked in the 
conf file (/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf) for TOMCAT_USER and saw that it wasn’t set; 
however, my efforts to set it haven’t seemed to result in any change.

I wrote:
which is the same syntax as the other variables in the file, JAVA_HOME and so 
on. (Incidentally, these don’t echo in the command line, but Tomcat does seem 
to be running.)
I then restarted, but a look at the process list showed that it was still 
running as default user “tomcat” rather than as myusername.

What am I missing and how can I run Tomcat as another user?


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