1) don't top-post
On 29.08.2016 21:50, Jorge Alfonso wrote:
In order to setup the users for Tomcat you have to edit the file
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<user username="Myadmin" password="s3cret" roles="admin-gui,
<user username="both" password="s3cret" roles=admin-script"/>
<user username="role1" password="change" roles="role1"/>
Once the users are set, and you could have set several users depending your
need, shutdown and startup again your Tomcat and you would be able to see it
running for your user and managing it.
2) this has nothing to do with the user under which Tomcat is running.
-----Original Message-----
From: Maxfield, Rebecca A []
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 2:20 PM
Subject: Trouble setting TOMCAT_USER
Hi there!
In order to resolve an issue with a Tomcat web app, I'm trying to run Tomcat
as a user other than the default user. Following other advice, I looked in
the conf file (/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf) for TOMCAT_USER and saw that it
wasn't set; however, my efforts to set it haven't seemed to result in any
I wrote:
which is the same syntax as the other variables in the file, JAVA_HOME and
so on. (Incidentally, these don't echo in the command line, but Tomcat does
seem to be running.) I then restarted, but a look at the process list showed
that it was still running as default user "tomcat" rather than as
What am I missing and how can I run Tomcat as another user?
You do not say so, but from the above it is a valid guess that you are running tomcat
under some flavor of Linux, and that you installed it from the package provided by that
Linux distribution.
Unfortunately, without more information, it is difficult to know how you are really
starting tomcat, and what influence that "TOMCAT_USER" line really has in the big scheme
of things.
Try to be more explicit and provide some details, such as which Linux, what command you
use to start/restart tomcat, what version of Tomcat that is, etc..
We don't have a crystal ball here, so we don't know those things.
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