Dear Guido,

many thanks for Your answer.

It looks, like the parameter reply_timeout=1800000 was the solution. I added 
that parameter yesterday and was not sure if that would help and since I go to 
vacation in short time, I asked in this list in parallel to maybe solve the 
problem before vacation in another way.

The documentation for reply_timeout 
( says "By 
default (value zero) the webserver will wait forever which could be an issue 
for you." and it looks, like this really was an issue for us. It looks to me, 
like the JBoss backends do not give any reply to ajp requests sometimes(often?) 
and they are then kept established forever and pile up. They are not 
interpreted as idle, and therefore they do not get removed by JkWatchDog. Why 
the backend applications so often do not give any response, I think is another 
issue for the developers.

But maybe the importance of changing the reply_timeout parameter from default 
value "infinit" to a even very high value of 30 min should be stated even more 
prominent in the worker documentation.

> you wrote, you're using the worker MPM. What are the pool sizes for child 
> workers and it's threads, i.e. the values for  ServerLimit, ThreadsPerChild? 
> And what's the minimum thread pool size, i.e.   MinSpareThreads? 

<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
        StartServers                    2
        MinSpareThreads                25
        MaxSpareThreads                75
        ThreadLimit                    64
        ThreadsPerChild                35
        MaxRequestWorkers             560
        MaxConnectionsPerChild      10000

> But even if the number of connections is unexpected high -- this will not 
> consome more memory time by time after establishing. 

I don't know, but I started investigating the Apache because it nearly run out 
of RAM some days ago, as Nagios informed. And the RAM usage of Apache clearly 
correlates with the count of AJP connections, as the Nagios graphs show.

Now, with connection pool cleanup working since yesterday, the count of AJP 
connections is radical lower then before, and also the RAM usage is radical 
lower in parallel :-)

Many thanks again, and

best regards,


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