On 03/10/2016 08:56, Tullio Bettinazzi wrote:
> I've an application under tomcat.
> When only a one or two users works on it everithing is ok.
> When the number of users grows the application slows down.
> Is not a memory nor a cpu problem : using top I see the system resources 
> quite free.
> I don't see relevant garbage collection : heap size and permgen have correct 
> dimentions.
> No other applications are running on the system.
> I log more or less every relevant operation in my system (db query and so on) 
> and I see that every slowdown is concentered in a single operation.
> I mean all operations take "normal" time but one or two of them take 4 
> seconds more.
> The "slowing" operations are not the same in different executions, and theydo 
> not have a specific type (not only DB query, not only DB stored procedures, 
> not only.....).
> It seems like if the thread is frozen for a fixed amount fo time (4 seconds 
> more or less) and then it restarts.
> I don't think it's a "queue" problem because otherwise the wait time would be 
> unperdictable and not a "fixed" 4 seconds time.
> I don't know any parameter impacting on that behaviour.
> I use Tomcat 7.0.32 with JVM on a Linux server.
> Could someone suggest a solution for my problem or, at least, an 
> investigation strategy.



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