On 06.10.2016 11:00, Nagappan , Ganesh  - IT- PLM - Bhuj wrote:

     Version : Apache Tomvcat 6.3

     OS      : Windows server 2008 R2

         We are using Tomcat for our TCRA application extracting reports. When 
I start the Tomcat the default homepage, It is working fine.

But When I go to http://teamcenter:8080/TCRA/Portal/  It displays a blank page.

Please give me an suggestion.

1) if you are using IE, turn off the "display friendly error pages" option
2) turn off Tomcat
3) find the Tomcat logfiles directory, and delete all the files
4) turn on Tomcat
5) make *one* access to http://teamcenter:8080/TCRA/Portal/ to get the blank 
6) turn off Tomcat again
7) look at the logfiles.  Any indication of a problem there ?

and when you have some real information that might allow us to help you without having to unwrap our crystal ball, come back here.

8) upgrade your Tomcat. That version is 10 (?) years old.
(Do not know really, because Tomcat 6.3 does not exist, and neither does 6.0.3)
Use (tomcat-directory)/bin/version.bat to find out the real version.
Or look in the first lines of the Tomcat logfile.

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