Hello All,

Tomcat Version:
Java Version: 1.8.0
OS: AIX 6.1
Database: Oracle 11

The web application installed on the server above makes data connections to
run file transfers from point A to point B. The default Database connection
setting that are set when the application server comes up are as follows:

DataBasePoolingFlag - APACHE
MaxActive - 400
MaxIdle - 20
MinIdle - 10

We had an incident where all these connections were actually used up due to
a script someone had that looped. I need to determine at any given point in
time how many DB connections exist from the web application to the DB.
There may be more than one way to do this. I am sure there is a DB command
that could be run against the schema but the schema is pointed to by many
servers. I am  wondering if there is a java command of some kind that I
could run that may tell me how many connections are open at that time or
possibly a tomcat or apache command.

Thank you for the help in advance.


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