
System: Windows 10
Tomcat Var: 8.5.4
IDE: Intellij Ultimate
Java: v1.8

I have started out creating war files. At the moment I am deploying by
copying the war to the webapps directory and then using chrome to browse
the URL.

I am compling the war in Intellij, but starting tomcat seperately from the
command line.

I need to start to debug.

I can connect the Intellij debugger to 8000 and I get some output that I
have connected ok:

Connected to server
Connected to target VM, address localhost:8000 etc

What is not clear to me is :

1. How would I use a breakpoint? Intelijlets me set one but this is not
honoured when I compile as war (in gradle)
2. Despite the servlet seeming doing the right thing (redirect) when I hit
a submit button the println statements do not appear to write anything to
either the CLI or the debugger.

Code snippet:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    System.out.println("doGet hit");
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/index1.jsp").forward(request, response);

 ie - Index1.jsp gets loaded but the println statement doesnt seem to
appear anywhere.



"Beat it punk!"
- Clint Eastwood

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