Hello all,

My application creates a folder to store the config files at the first
startup and immediately after that the application tries to access this
folder in order to save some information.

Using Tomcat 6 and 7 everything works fine.
Using Tomcat 8, 8.5, and 9 the application experiences a weird behavior and
here are some tests I made which made me think it was a war explosion
related problem:

- The problem doesn't happen when I am running the application using
Intellij IDEA, because I use an exploded artifact;

- I've created a dummy application to simulate only the creation and first
access to this config folder (the same way I am doing in the real
application) at startup and everything worked fine, which led me to believe
the size of my application can be what revealed the problem (bigger .war
file takes longer to be exploded);

- Another test I made in my application was adding a Thread.sleep(5000);
after creating the folder, which then makes the access to the folder
possible (maybe because Tomcat had enough time to explode the war file);

It was my belief before having this problem that Tomcat exploded the war
before it even starts the application, but now I have my doubts.

Three questions:

- Does Tomcat really explode the war before starting the application?

- If it doesn't, how does it work? (pointing the right piece of
documentation, which I couldn't find is as good as an explanation)

- Can anyone tell me what has changed in this regard from version 6 and
7 and the newer ones that led me to this problem?

Best regards,
Diego Urenia

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