I have a CXF/REST/Spring/JDBC app running in TomEE (7.0.1).  I've decided to 
try to move it to Tomcat (8.5.11) because of some classloader conflicts (CXF 
classes) I'm now seeing in trying to add some new code to the app.

Initially, I'm just running the server in Eclipse.

When I add the apps to Tomcat and start it up, without changing the server 
conf, it starts up, but it fails to find my JNDI resources (obviously).

I have the following DataSource definition in the "tomee.xml" file in TomEE, 
which is working fine:
  <Resource id="tst36" type="DataSource">
        testOnBorrow = true
        testOnReturn = true
        testWhileIdle = true
        logValidationErrors = true
        validationQuery = select 1 from dual
        JdbcDriver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
        InitialSize = 2
        MaxActive = 2
        MinIdle = 2
        MaxIdle = 2 
        JdbcUrl = ...
        UserName = ...
        Password = ...

When I attempt to add this Resource definition to the "context.xml" file in 
Tomcat 8.5.11, I see errors like the following, and Tomcat fails to start up:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at java.util.StringTokenizer.<init>(StringTokenizer.java:199)
        at java.util.StringTokenizer.<init>(StringTokenizer.java:221)

I've tried converting the Resource definition to look more "normal", but 
nothing I've tried makes any difference.  This is the current state of it:
    <Resource id="jdbc/tst36" type="javax.sql.DataSource" auth="Container"
              testOnBorrow="true" testOnReturn="true" testWhileIdle="true"
              logValidationErrors="true" validationQuery="select 1 from dual"
              InitialSize="2" MaxActive="2" MinIdle="2" MaxIdle="2"
              UserName="..." Password="...">

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