I am running tomcat 8.0.121.  When I start my tomcat, it seems to be eating up 
all the memory on my system.  I have 16 GB, and it keeps on going.  Then when I 
try to kill the process, it dies but 12 GB is still being used even though 
everything is turn off.  The only way to reclaim the memory is to reboot.  I am 
running on redhat 6.5 and can't figure out what could be causing this.  I run 
the tomcat as a local user, and I know there aren't any other processes running 
as the local user.  I am running a spring MVC 4/Java 8/ struts web application. 
I have two of them with the same issue.  Any help would be appreciated. When I 
try to view all the running processes I cannot see where most of the 12 gb are 
being used.   The system came up with 2.2 gb used and after I start one web 
application it goes to 14-15gb.   The funny thing is that I can kill it to 
reclaim the memory. Only a reboot works.  I am running a VMware instance with 
vcenter version 6.5.  This does not happen with Java 7 with tomcat 7. Any help 
would be appreciate.

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