
On 3/16/2017 8:01 PM, Eric Chua wrote:
> I am running tomcat 8.0.121.  When I start my tomcat, it seems to be
> eating up all the memory on my system.  I have 16 GB, and it keeps on
> going.  Then when I try to kill the process, it dies but 12 GB is
> still being used even though everything is turn off.  The only way to
> reclaim the memory is to reboot.  I am running on redhat 6.5 and
> can't figure out what could be causing this.  I run the tomcat as a
> local user, and I know there aren't any other processes running as
> the local user.  I am running a spring MVC 4/Java 8/ struts web
> application. I have two of them with the same issue.  Any help would
> be appreciated. When I try to view all the running processes I cannot
> see where most of the 12 gb are being used.   The system came up with
> 2.2 gb used and after I start one web application it goes to 14-15gb.
> The funny thing is that I can kill it to reclaim the memory. Only a
> reboot works.  I am running a VMware instance with vcenter version
> 6.5.  This does not happen with Java 7 with tomcat 7. Any help would
> be appreciate.

I don't see this with any of my systems running the following configuration:

OS:     CentOS 6.8
kernel: 2.6.32-642.15.1.el6.x86_64
JRE:    1.8.0_121-b13
Tomcat: (from

I'm slated to update these systems to 8.0.42 once I complete my tests. I
don't anticipate any issues, but a process is only good if you follow it.

Some of my VM systems run on VMWare, and others run on Xen.

I also have a lot of systems running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, but right
now those systems are stock AWS AMI images.

They're running AWS's repackaged Tomcat 8.0.41, and OpenJDK 1.8.0_121-b13.

I don't see any issues there as well. I run a lot of microservices on
t2.micro EC2 instances. t2.micro instances are very memory-constrained.
I would see a lot of EC2 churn if I had memory issues.

Please get some sar / top / vmstat information from your system
administrator and post it to the list.

Also, does your application make use of native libraries? If so, what
are they, and are they compatible with Java 8?

. . . just my two cents

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