Am 30.03.2017 um 01:33 schrieb Utkarsh Dave:
> Hello all,
> My tomcat (7.0.72) hosts several web aplications in the server (based in
> linux 6.8).
> Memory heap dump generated is of
> Size: 787.3 MB Classes: 139k Objects: 19.3m Class Loader: 1.6k
The combination of "hosts several web applications" and a heap space of
this size does not convince me of a leak - it might be the memory
requirement of one of the webapps. A leak is typically something that
grows uncontrolled until you run out of heapspace, no matter how much
you grow the available space.
> In the thread dumps I see these threads repeatedly. I wonder these pointing
> to com.rsa.sslj.x.
You seem to be handling https requests from Tomcat. If you're not happy
with the implementation of this endpoint/protocol you should move this
to an Apache httpd or similar and just forward to tomcat, so that tomcat
does not deal with encryption.

As a conclusion: Your problem might not be poorly designed clients, it
might be poorly equipped servers - I'd try to double the memory
allocated to Tomcat's heap and potentially tune the garbage collector.
If you run into problems, you might also identify one of the
webapplications that eats up your resources (no matter what the clients


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