
After some sterling support from this list a while ago which included
a code change I have been successfully running
Apache Tomcat 7.0.70 stand alone (no httpd front end) with SSL/TLS for
a year now without problems, it just works, it never falls over
and it has withstood some concerted attacks by all sorts of
scallywags. Impressive.

It is now time to renew my ssl certificate and I'm getting a bit jumpy.

I managed to get everything working first time around following the docs at

According to my service provider (comodo) I have to submit a new
certificate signing request which (I think) means creating a self
signed certificate.
Will this mess up me existing cert, it still has 10 days to go?

Is the process the same as installing first time or are there some
gotchas I need to be aware of

Thanks, nervously

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