---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohammed Manna <manme...@gmail.com>
Date: 25 April 2017 at 21:50
Subject: Identifying 64k size violation for __jspService methods loaded by
To: users@tomcat.apache.org


I have emailed and posted a few questions over the web about this, but
haven't received any helpful response. Since the upgrade to 8.0.39, my web
application is failing in various places since the Jasper compiler has now
got more debug information (and inturn __jspService method is now bigger
than 64k). I have done the following so far:

1) Kept mappedFile = TRUE
2) Kept suppressSMAP = FALSE

This removes the failure, but now I have lost the JSP debugging capability.
Since Apache is not going to provide any support for this, could you kindly
assist me with the following:

1) How can I identify my JSP pages which are going to have this issue?
2) I have tried using ANT build and compiled my JSPs. It simply passes the
build, but doesn't report any method size violation. Do you have any
development mode support that can expose these affected methods.

I appreciate that these are too specific questions, but Tomcat 8.0.39
upgrade clearly didn't consider legacy systems and has left a massive
refactoring job to the developers. So, it would be great if you could
proactively extend "Known Issues" section with these.


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