You need to set clientAuth="true" in the connector or, for some reason unknown 
to me (probably something changed in Java from rel. 6/7 on), Tomcat will not 
enforce the 2 way ssl.

You can see what is going on (certificates exchange) with an ssl debug.

Kind Regards,
Diego Macca
Senior IT Specialist

DG-IS/EDA - Executional Domain Applications
Tel.: +49 (69) 1344 6991
E-mail: diego.ma...@ecb.europa.eu

-----Original Message-----
From: Vinoth Raja [mailto:rbvdvin...@gmail.com]
Sent: 15 August 2017 10:50
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: 2 Way SSL integration with Webservices - Inbound connection not trusted


Please advise on the step to resolve the issue encountered in 2way SSL

Tomcat version used : apache-tomcat-8.5.15 Java Version used: jdk1.8.0_131

*Problem statement: *Tomcat doesn't trust the inbound connection.

We have web application deployed in tomcat and it integrated with web services.
2 way SSL is enabled.
Webservice client deployed in Tomcat send the certificate to webservices and it 
is trusted.
Tomcat doesn't trust certificate sent by the webservices.
It seems to ignore the client validation and allow the communication.

*step followed to implement 2 way SSL from application*

We set the keystore and trust store to be used for communication. so it takes 
the cert from key store for outbound and trust the cert for inbound connections.

               System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType", "JKS"); 
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType", "JKS"); 

It sends the certificate for other system to trust but it doesn't trust the 
incoming connection.

Please advise on the configuration to trust the incoming connection.

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