
I am using JSSE implementation and not OpenSSL.
Defining trustStoreFile doesnt seems to be trust the incoming request.
setting "certificateVerification=required" making any request to tomcat
trusted and it fails to even launch the tomcat manager page.
is there a way to trust only the incoming cert for the web service
connection we make?


On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>

> Am 16.08.2017 um 09:09 schrieb Jose María Zaragoza:
>> Hi:
>> 2017-08-16 6:59 GMT+02:00 Vinoth Raja <rbvdvin...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> In the above conversation, the server presents the list of acceptable
>>> client certificates to the client. Does that happen for you?
>>> [ Yes . It prints the list of acceptable certificate when
>>> certificateVerification is set to required. It prints the acceptable
>>> certificates from cacerts.
>> Sorry for this semi-offtopic ,
>> but I'm interested about the list of DN of CA sent by TLS server in
>> SERVER HELLO message.
>> I mean the list under "Acceptable client certificate CA names" header
>> (output text in Cris' mail )
>> How I can set it in Tomcat 8.5 ? Does it works either JSSE & native TLS ?
>> How is the client behaviour if it doesnt have an certificate signed by
>> an "acceptable CA" ?
> It should work automatically with either JSSE or native TLS
> implementation. It is based on the trust configuration in the
> SSLHostConfig. So when you configure it using the OpenSSL config style, it
> would be the attributes caCertificateFile and/or caCertificatePath, using
> JSSE style config it would be the attributes truststoreFile or
> trustManagerClassName.
> I wrote "should", because we found a bug in 8.5 when using JSSE style
> config but OpenSSL implementation. That combination is supported but Tomcat
> would not announce the acceptable CA subjects to the client during the
> handshake. That means, if the client has only one certificate to present,
> it should not be a problem, but if it has multiple certificates it is
> missing the standard way to choose a good one.
> The fix for that bug was committed a few days ago to trunk (TC 9), and
> backport to TC 8.5 will happen soon. But the fix needs an additional method
> in the tcnative part, which first has to get released as tcnative 1.2.13 to
> make the fix complete. But as I said the bug only shows up when mixing JSSE
> style config with native impl. The other combinations should work fine.
> As Christopher wrote, you can also check the handshake with "openssl
> s_client" to see what the server announces.
> Regards,
> Rainer
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