
On 9/19/2017 11:21 AM, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
Hey Igal,

Thanks for the response! I believe having more people suffering from the same limitation makes it more clear that there is a shortcoming that needs to addressed in Tomcat.
The problem is that Tomcat is compliant with the Servlet specification, and as Mark pointed out in the original ticket #47410 that is part of the spec.

Coming back to your project, thanks for the pointer. Though I have two concerns: 1) It is [still] a Tomcat-specific solution and
This is not a Tomcat-specific solution.  I use it with Jetty as well.  It does use a library from Apache for processing FileUpload, and if you are running Tomcat you already have it in your classpath, but if you are not, you need to add that jar.

2) it consumes the entire InputStream regardless of whether the request handler will use it or not.
I've never had an issue with that, and am not sure what you are worried about?  network traffic?  memory? (the FileUpload library writes the contents to disk after a certain threshold), but if you're concerned with that then you can write your own filter and model it after mine if you want to hit the ground running.  Then you can break the read whenever you want, though I really think that you're over-optimizing here.

TBH I did not read your original emails with Chris in full, so I'm not sure what your requirements are.


On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Igal @ Lucee.org <i...@lucee.org <mailto:i...@lucee.org>> wrote:


    On 9/19/2017 10:47 AM, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:

        Did not try (or consider) using a Tomcat Valve, since it would
        make the
        entire tool Tomcat-specific. I would rather find a way to
        solve the problem
        in a container agnostic way.

    I had a similar issue so I wrote a simple Filter and named it



Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
Lucee.org <http://lucee.org/>

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