On 21/09/17 21:58, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> Hey Igal,
> Today, I've tried to implement your proposal (consuming the InputStream
> eagerly, wrapping the consumed byte[] as a re-consumable
> ServletInputStream, and passing it to next filter) and hit by the same
> Tomcat shortcoming: Since you've already consumed the original InputStream,
> later on, any access to parameters will
> trigger o.a.c.connector.Request#readPostBody() which in return will access
> the original InputStream via o.a.c.connector.Request#getStream() discarding
> the re-consumable you provided by overriding
> javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getInputStream().
> Long story short, consuming InputStream eagerly breaks the parameter
> parsing. We still did not get a reply from Tomcat maintainers, but I still
> do believe this to be a Tomcat shortcoming and can be easily resolved by
> making sure o.a.c.connector.Request#readPostBody() uses
> javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getInputStream() instead.

That is not possible. A wrapped request has no access to any wrapper.


> Additionally,
> "reading InputStream eagerly" solution assumes that you're the first filter
> along the chain, which is not the case for Spring Boot applications.
> Best.
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:48 PM, Igal @ Lucee.org <i...@lucee.org> wrote:
>> Volkan,
>> On 9/19/2017 11:21 AM, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
>> Hey Igal,
>> Thanks for the response! I believe having more people suffering from the
>> same limitation makes it more clear that there is a shortcoming that needs
>> to addressed in Tomcat.
>> The problem is that Tomcat is compliant with the Servlet specification,
>> and as Mark pointed out in the original ticket #47410 that is part of the
>> spec.
>> Coming back to your project, thanks for the pointer. Though I have two
>> concerns: 1) It is [still] a Tomcat-specific solution and
>> This is not a Tomcat-specific solution.  I use it with Jetty as well.  It
>> does use a library from Apache for processing FileUpload, and if you are
>> running Tomcat you already have it in your classpath, but if you are not,
>> you need to add that jar.
>> 2) it consumes the entire InputStream regardless of whether the request
>> handler will use it or not.
>> I've never had an issue with that, and am not sure what you are worried
>> about?  network traffic?  memory? (the FileUpload library writes the
>> contents to disk after a certain threshold), but if you're concerned with
>> that then you can write your own filter and model it after mine if you want
>> to hit the ground running.  Then you can break the read whenever you want,
>> though I really think that you're over-optimizing here.
>> TBH I did not read your original emails with Chris in full, so I'm not
>> sure what your requirements are.
>> Best.
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Igal @ Lucee.org <i...@lucee.org> wrote:
>>> Volkan,
>>> On 9/19/2017 10:47 AM, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
>>>> Did not try (or consider) using a Tomcat Valve, since it would make the
>>>> entire tool Tomcat-specific. I would rather find a way to solve the
>>>> problem
>>>> in a container agnostic way.
>>> I had a similar issue so I wrote a simple Filter and named it
>>> "RereadableServletRequestFilter":
>>> https://github.com/isapir/servlet-filter-utils#rereadableser
>>> vletrequestfilter
>>> HTH,
>>> Igal
>> Igal Sapir
>> Lucee Core Developer
>> Lucee.org <http://lucee.org/>

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