I've put the log files, the jpg of the chrome page and the netstat -a -b in
Google Drive and sent you a link.

My application is somewhat complex and hopefully not the cause of the
problem.  It is composed of a large number of php and  javascript files in
the Financials application, which includes the php/java bridge, which calls
into a java application called JFin in a number of places, which also has a
large number of java files,  The JFin jar is placed in the
webapps/Financials/WEB-INFO/lib directory along with a large number of
other jars, which are includes in the java files.  All this runs fine under
Tomcat on port 8080.  The log files ect. that I sent are when I run
localhost:8080/Financials.  The log files capture the restart of Tomcat and
the run of the Financials application. I also have run it under debug in
NetBeans 8.2. and it never gets to the first line in Financials/index.php.

The logs capture Tomcat startup, then run as
in chrome and then at 12:49 I ran it in netbeans debug.  The logs look ok
in the first two cases, but when run under netbeans the tomcat stderr gave
an error -
25-Sep-2017 12:56:18.251 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-1]
org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service Error parsing HTTP request
 Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at
DEBUG level.
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method
name. HTTP method names must be tokens
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer.parseRequestLine(

I don't know what this means.  Is it a clue or is it an artifact of
NetBeans debug?  It didn't show up in the run directly from chrome.  I ran
it again at about 1:30pm directly from chrome and the error again didn't
show up.

So the

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:26 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>

> On 25.09.2017 15:57, Don Flinn wrote:
>> Andre,
>> I've attached the output from netstat -a.  I see 8080 listening, but not
>> 8443.  I've also
>> attached the screen shot of the result of running my "protected"
>> application in Tomcat.
> This list removes most attachments, so we did not get the screenshot.
> You have ti post it to dropbox or so, for us to have a look.
> But you should definitely look in the tomcat logfiles (in the subdirectory
> inventively named "logs"), to see why it did not open port 8443 when
> supposedly told to do so.
> As I mentioned, when I have Norton Security and it shuts down Windows
>> firewall and runs
>> its own firewall.
> Yes, but if port 8443 is not open and listening, that's a secondary
> consideration now. The first is why tomcat does not open that port.
> P.S. There are additional options to netstat, which will also print the
> name of the process which "owns" that port. Makes it easier to scan the
> list, because it will say
> "tomcat" next to the ones opened by tomcat.
>> Don
>> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 5:52 PM, André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com
>> <mailto:a...@ice-sa.com>> wrote:
>>     On 24.09.2017 16 <tel:24.09.2017%2016>:08, Don Flinn wrote:
>>         Andre,
>>         I apologize for not giving all my information. As you perceived,
>> I'm
>>         running Windows. Other info, Windows 10, Tomcat 9, java
>> 1.8.0_144.  As you
>>         suggested, using netstat and telnet I found that port 8443 is not
>> open.
>>         Looking further Windows firewall is controlled by Norton
>> security.  I am
>>         now trying to find out how to open ports in Norton security using
>> the
>>         Norton blog.
>>         Thank you for your help.  As is obvious, I'm a newbee in low
>> level admin
>>         work.  I'm hoping that when I get port 8443 open things will
>> work.  I'll
>>         let you know.
>>     Maybe wait just a second more, before you go digging in the firewall.
>>     You say that you found out that "the port is not open".
>>     That is not the same thing as
>>     - the port /is/ open
>>     - but it cannot be connected to
>>     If netstat shows the port open and listening, but you cannot connect
>> to it with
>>     telnet, it is probably a firewall issue.
>>     But if the port is not open, then it is a tomcat issue.
>>     Provided that you configured tomcat properly, the port should be
>> open, firewall or no
>>     firewall. (A firewall can only block access by a client, to a server
>> port that is
>>     open. It cannot prevent a server process to open that port for
>> listening.)
>>     If it isn't open, the tomcat logs should tell you why.
>>         Don
>>         On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 6:44 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) <
>> a...@ice-sa.com
>>         <mailto:a...@ice-sa.com>>
>>         wrote:
>>             On 24.09.2017 02 <tel:24.09.2017%2002>:36, Don Flinn wrote:
>>                 I'm trying to use a self signed certificate generated in
>> keytool.  When I
>>                 run the application Chrome, Firefox and internet Explorer
>> using
>>                 localhost:8080/<myapp> all the browsers do a redirect to
>> localhost:8443
>>                 and
>>                 then return This site can’t be reachedL*ocalhost* refused
>> to connect.
>>                 There is no red lined out protocol in any of the
>> browsers.  All the Tomcat
>>                 logs show no errors or warnings.  I can access
>> applications that are not
>>                 protected and tomcat itself.
>>             I would suggest that you first re-read what you wrote above,
>> line by line,
>>             and reflect quietly on what each line is telling you.
>>             1) you say "localhost". That means that you are using a
>> browser as client,
>>             on the same machine as the one which is running the server.
>>             2) you also say that one of the browsers is IE.
>>             3) (1) and (2) together imply that the host in a Windows
>> server (and the
>>             client also of course).
>>             4) you are not saying which version of Tomcat you are using,
>> neither which
>>             version of Java, neither which version of Windows.  That
>> makes helping you
>>             more complicated and time-consuming, and delays any help,
>> because now we
>>             have to ask you, and you have to respond.
>>             5) "refused to connect" : before any kind of SSL dialog can
>> even take
>>             place, the browser must be able to establish a TCP connection
>> to the
>>             host:port in question.
>>             "refused to connect" seens to indicate that this is not the
>> case.
>>             6) the logs do not show anything : that would seem to
>> corroborate (5) :
>>             tomcat does not even see this connection. iow, there is no
>> connection.
>>             There are several possible reasons for this.
>>             a) Tomcat never opens the port 8443 for listening on it.
>>             That can be checked, with tomcat running, with the "netstat"
>> utility
>>             program, included in Windows. With the proper arguments
>> (which I will leave
>>             to you as an exercise)(but "netstat -h" will help), netstat
>> will show you
>>             on which ports tomcat is listening locally.  If this does not
>> include a
>>             ":8443" port, then it is not listening on that port, and
>> certainly the logs
>>             of tomcat will tell you why.
>>             b) tomcat does listen on port 8443, but something else is
>> blocking access
>>             to that port.
>>             Then you probably have to check your local firewall settings
>> (or whatever
>>             else in whatever version of Windows may be blocking
>> connections to a port).
>>             Another quick way to check if tomcat (or anything) is
>> listening on port
>>             8443 (and/or something is blocking it) would be, in a command
>> window, to
>>             run the following command :
>>             telnet localhost 8443
>>             (also with tomcat running)
>>             If it also tells you "no connection", then (a) or (b) above
>> would be
>>             confirmed.
>>             If it connects, then you may get another message, due to the
>> fact that it
>>             expects an SSL connection. (If it did not expect an SSL
>> connection, you'd
>>             just get a blank page until you type something else).
>>             Obviously, access to tomcat's port 8080 is fine, so you can
>> compare the
>>             responses above with what happens when you substitute 8080
>> for 8443.
>>             Once the above is really cleared up, then it may be worth
>> looking at the
>>             rest of the information which you sent below.
>>                If I set <transport-guarantee>
>>                 CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> to NONE everything
>> works with
>>                 localhost:8080.
>>                 My SSL files in tomcat -
>>                 *server.xml -*
>>                 Connector
>>                 protocol="org.apache.coyote.ht
>>                 <http://org.apache.coyote.ht>tp11.Http11NioProtocol"
>> scheme="https"
>>                 sslImplementationName="org.apa
>> che.tomcat.util.net.jsse.JSSEI
>>                 mplementation"
>>                 SSLEnabled="true" acceptCount="100" clientAuth="false"
>>                 disableUploadTimeout="true" enableLookups="false"
>> maxThreads="25"
>>                 port="8443" keystoreFile="c:/temp/mkeystore2.jks"
>> keystorePass="foobar"
>>                 secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS" clientAuth="false" />
>>                 *web.xml -*
>>                 <security-constraint>
>>                        <web-resource-collection>
>>                            <web-resource-name>
>> Financials</web-resource-name>
>>                            <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>                        </web-resource-collection>
>>                        <user-data-constraint>
>>                            <transport-guarantee>CONFIDEN
>> TIAL</transport-guarantee>
>>                        </user-data-constraint>
>>                 </security-constraint>
>>                 *the output from my keystore  list -*
>>                 C:\Users\don\Documents\Mansurus\Security>
>> "%java_home%/bin/keytool.exe"
>>                 -list  -v -keystore c:/temp/mkeystore2.jks
>>                 Enter keystore password:
>>                 Keystore type: JKS
>>                 Keystore provider: SUN
>>                 Your keystore contains 1 entry
>>                 Alias name: tomcat
>>                 Creation date: Sep 23, 2017
>>                 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
>>                 Certificate chain length: 1
>>                 Certificate[1]:
>>                 Owner: CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown,
>> ST=Unknown, C=Unknown
>>                 Issuer: CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown,
>> ST=Unknown,
>>                 C=Unknown
>>                 Serial number: 6b5fe428
>>                 Valid from: Sat Sep 23 12:57:19 EDT 2017 until: Sun Sep
>> 23 12:57:19 EDT
>>                 2018
>>                 Certificate fingerprints:
>>                             MD5:  11:9D:2C:50:4A:09:9D:17:2F:46:
>> 3C:AF:AF:E5:59:EE
>>                             SHA1: 63:EF:21:21:3C:22:82:46:21:84:
>>                 9C:81:C6:B0:C1:EC:0F:1C:87:31
>>                             SHA256:
>>                 4E:75:D6:6A:6C:23:84:E0:36:AF:
>> CF:1E:56:7D:18:6E:A1:BE:E5:EE:
>>                 0B:E5:7B:2A:01:96:DF:49:CA:F1:50:C7
>>                             Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
>>                             Version: 3
>>                 Extensions:
>>                 #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
>>                 SubjectKeyIdentifier [
>>                 KeyIdentifier [
>>                 0000: 46 C9 48 D4 54 2A 54 CE   24 1F 22 ED 1D FC 6E 14
>> F.H.T*T.$."...n..
>>                 0010: BE 6F 4A 49
>> .oJI
>>                 ]
>>                 ]
>>                 What am I doing wrong?  I want to get a self-signed
>> keystore working
>>                 before
>>                 I purchase a commercial certificate.
>>                 Don
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