-----Original Message-----
From: Don Flinn [mailto:fl...@alum.mit.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:58 AM
To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Subject: Trying to understand How Tomcat uses Keystore for SSL

I've done some reading on SSL and understand the protocol is as follows; 
Client/Browser sends ClientHello and server Tomcat replies with ServerHello.  
This establishes the protocol they will use.
The server then sends the certificate and the public key - in the clear The 
browser encrypts a message containing the servers domain, all encrypted with 
the server's public key to the CA which the browser trusts.  The public key is 
in the certificate.
The CA de-crypts the message with the server's private key.  So the server's 
name/ domain must be not encrypted. If the server can decrypt the message it 
knows the server and it then sends a ack message back to the browser encrypted 
with the client's private key.
The browser and Tomcat then establish a secret key to send messages back and 

If I have the above correct, I must have keystore set up incorrectly, since 
running my scenario I get an error in the Chrome debugger,which says

This page is not secure
"Valid certificate
The connection to this site is using a valid, trusted server certificate issued 
by unknown name.
Secure resources
All resources on this page are served securely. "

Note the 'the certificate is valid and it is issued by unknown name"  Why is 
the issuer unknown, since the issuer's name is in the certificate?

letsencrypt has an online web site from which one can download a ca_bundle, a 
private key and a certificate for your domain Oracle has an article on keytool 
which says that keytool  can not create a
pkcs12 keystore but can read it and to use openssl, which I did following their 
instructions.  Concatenate the CA cert, the private key and the user cert then 
put these in keystore. The result is shown below.  Tomcat isn't able to use 
this keystore to communicate with the browser for some reason.
Why? What's missing or incorrect?

C:\Users\don\Security\letsenc>%keytool% -list -keystore MMcert.p12 -v 
-storetype pkcs12 Enter keystore password:

Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SunJSSE

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: tomcat
Creation date: Nov 13, 2017
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=info.finwoks.com
Issuer: CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US Serial number: 
Valid from: Sat Nov 11 16:05:35 EST 2017 until: Fri Feb 09 16:05:35 EST 2018 
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  F5:FD:4F:8B:9A:A0:38:D1:B7:78:B6:36:38:AB:42:31
         SHA1: 7C:AB:5C:D3:A9:95:01:FD:43:CC:F5:D5:1D:24:64:1A:BF:4C:AE:66
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false AuthorityInfoAccess [
   accessMethod: ocsp
   accessLocation: URIName: 
   accessMethod: caIssuers
   accessLocation: URIName: 

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false AuthorityKeyIdentifier [ 
KeyIdentifier [
0000: A8 4A 6A 63 04 7D DD BA   E6 D1 39 B7 A6 45 65 EF  .Jjc......9..Ee.
0010: F3 A8 EC A1                                        ....

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=true BasicConstraints:[
  PathLen: undefined

#4: ObjectId: Criticality=false CertificatePolicies [
  [CertificatePolicyId: [] []  ]
  [CertificatePolicyId: []
[PolicyQualifierInfo: [
  qualifier: 0000: 16 1A 68 74 74 70 3A 2F   2F 63 70 73 2E 6C 65 74  ..
0010: 73 65 6E 63 72 79 70 74   2E 6F 72 67              sencrypt.org

], PolicyQualifierInfo: [
  qualifier: 0000: 30 81 9E 0C 81 9B 54 68   69 73 20 43 65 72 74 69
0.....This Certi
0010: 66 69 63 61 74 65 20 6D   61 79 20 6F 6E 6C 79 20  ficate may only
0020: 62 65 20 72 65 6C 69 65   64 20 75 70 6F 6E 20 62  be relied upon b
0030: 79 20 52 65 6C 79 69 6E   67 20 50 61 72 74 69 65  y Relying Partie
0040: 73 20 61 6E 64 20 6F 6E   6C 79 20 69 6E 20 61 63  s and only in ac
0050: 63 6F 72 64 61 6E 63 65   20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68  cordance with th
0060: 65 20 43 65 72 74 69 66   69 63 61 74 65 20 50 6F  e Certificate Po
0070: 6C 69 63 79 20 66 6F 75   6E 64 20 61 74 20 68 74  licy found at ht
0080: 74 70 73 3A 2F 2F 6C 65   74 73 65 6E 63 72 79 70  tps://letsencryp
0090: 74 2E 6F 72 67 2F 72 65   70 6F 73 69 74 6F 72 79  t.org/repository
00A0: 2F                                                 /

]]  ]

#5: ObjectId: Criticality=false ExtendedKeyUsages [

#6: ObjectId: Criticality=true KeyUsage [

#7: ObjectId: Criticality=false SubjectAlternativeName [
  DNSName: info.finwoks.com

#8: ObjectId: Criticality=false SubjectKeyIdentifier [ KeyIdentifier [
0000: 04 6B 27 5C F4 5E 85 21   24 38 A7 44 2D 7E 69 CA  .k'\.^.!$8.D-.i.
0010: CF 31 04 1C                                        .1..



Hi Don,

I think I can help you move forward, but just so you know, I am not an official 
Tomcat developer. Just a mailing list member who once got help here and now 
giving back :)

I think your understanding of how the SSL Handshake is incorrect.   In 
particular, the way you depicted the CA's role in an SSL handshake is 
incorrect.    The CA is never involved in SSL Handshakes.     SSL connections 
are between you and the server, always. There is no third party, and we 
certainly do not want one!    There are plenty of resources to explain SSL 
Handshake ( I like the page published on IBM's Knowledge Center: 
 but I'll summarize it here for you.

Browser sends ClientHello with a list of cipher suites it can support.
Server responds with a cipher suite selection and a digital certificate (which 
also contains a public key).

So far so good.

Now, how does the Browser validates that it is communicating with the 
right/genuine server it was trying to contact? What proof do we have that it is 
not a usurper?

Browser takes the certificate and does this:

1) Is this certificate cryptographically signed by someone I trust?    Your 
computer already contains a list of CA public keys that can be used to validate 
that a given certificate signature is valid.    Keep in mind a certificate may 
be signed by more than one CA, which is why we often talk of a certificate 
chain.    There only needs to be one signature in that chain that your computer 
recognizes for this server certificate to be deemed valid.

Is that enough to validate that the certificate is valid though?    Like a 
passport, the fact that is genuine and delivered by your government is 
important, but for the customs office to accept it, it must be YOURS!  So 
that's why there's step two:

2) Is this certificate delivered for the domain name I was trying to access?   
(is this passport in your name?)

If those two critera are met, then the certificate verification is going to 
succeed and the ssl handshake will move on to the next step which is to start 
the encrypted session.

Here comes problem #2: asymmetrical encryption (such as public key encryption) 
is a ONE WAY communication channel.  While anyone with a public key can encrypt 
data, ONLY the owner of the private key will be able to decrypt. And a private 
key is... well... secret!! Only  the server has it.  So there's no way the 
client could decrypt whatever the server would say.

THAT's why the browser will generate a symmetrical session encryption key. A 
key that will be used by both the client and server to encrypt data in both 
directions.  And in order to protect that key from being intercepted, we must 
not send it in the clear.   We will use the server's one-way public key to 
encrypt that symmetrical encryption key and send it to the server.

Only with the session key installed on both sides, does the encrypted session 

This concludes the summary which I hope will help you understand the handshake 

Now I understand your ultimate goal is to get rid of warnings and get that 
little green lock on your browser.

Assuming you have obtained a valid signed certificate from LetsEncrypt, here's 
what you have to do.

Step 1:
Start using KeyStore Explorer.   It's so much easier to use a GUI than the 
command line :P

Step 2:
You mentioned that LetsEncrypt gave you a keystore with a private key in it.   
I'm going to assume they gave you a package which contains a private key and a 
certificate, and that the point was to simplify the process of generating a CSR 
(Certificate Signing Request).

Just know that the fact that the private key was given to you by a third party 
is a potential security risk to your own security. 

The NORMAL process is to generate your own private key, generate a CSR, send 
LetsEncrypt the CSR, obtain a Signed CSR and re-import into your keystore.    
That has maximum security.

Step 3:
Make a copy of your original keystore file.    Then you can open your keystore 
with Keystore Explorer and change its format to JKS.    Super easy.    I think 
its under the tool menu.   You can rename your keystore file so that it ends in 
*.jks   (make sure you saved the keystore using the save button!)

Step 4:
Copy that jks file to your server under the conf folder of tomcat.

Step 4:
In your Tomcat server.xml file you need something like this:

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" 
redirectPort="8443" />
    <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
               maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true">
        <SSLHostConfig protocols="TLSv1.2">
            <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="localhost.keystore.jks"
                         certificateKeyAlias="alias" />

The alias is just a name used to designate a given certificate in case there 
are more than one in your keystore. Just a good habit to be specific.   You can 
find what is the alias name for your certificate using Keystore Explorer

VoilĂ !

That should give you a valid SSL configuration on your server.  If you still 
get an issue with Chrome warnings, this means the certificate contained in the 
keystore is not signed properly. You can easily check if a certificate is 
signed using the Keystore Explorer and right-clicking then view details... see 
certificate chain.    In that chain, you should be able to see some top CA 
authority signing your cert. If none of those CAs in the chain are approved by 
chrome, it wont work.  You'll need to find another provider.


- Nicolas

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