
You probably missed where I had mentioned the infrastructure group poo poo'd 
altering iptables for whatever reason.

Here is what I think are my 5 best choices for running tomcat as a non root 
user on a privileged port.

1) redirect 443 to 8443 on the load balancer. VIP side.

2) iptables

3) jsvc

4) authbind

5) set cap

I do NOT have control of the VIP so I can only make suggestions based on 
what I have control of.

Therefore, the latter three are what I am looking into.

I do not like set cap because it opens up ALL the privileged ports to a 
binary , such as java or http.
Authbind is an install of a potentially buggy or unsecure software.

I am not really sure how my post warranted so much attention but I 
appreciate it.



Thank You;

Chris Cheltenham
Technology Services
The School District of Philadelphia

Work # 215-400-5025
Cell # 215-301-6571

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier (tomcat) []
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: Binding a non root user to port 443


On 14.03.2018 18:21, Cheltenham, Chris wrote:
> Ok , I thank you guys for being so helpful.
> I would never expect that.

Speaking as a user myself, I would not be so surprised. This list is quite 
exceptional in terms of the general quality of the people trying to answer 
user questions, and in terms of the general quality of the answers 
themselves.  The contributors here, in general, will try to respond as well 
as they can, and to really help resolving user issues to the best of their 
abilities, even when they do not stricly concern tomcat per se (like your 

(Full disclosure : I am occasionally one of these guys, although my own 
qualifications pale somewhat in comparison to most of the others.)

As for the help supplicant, there are only a few rules, and they are listed 
here :

> Basically I am have tomcat running on port 8443 as user tomcat.
> I am trying to find ways to redirect them to 443 WITHOUT using
> iptables or the firewall or the load balancer.
> I have no control over any of those tools and I cannot use a reverse
> proxy wither because I do not have control of apache.
> I think that leaves me basically with authbind or set cap , locally.
> However, I cannot get either to work.
> Set cap seemed easiest.
> You start the tomcat server and then I ran this setcap
> cap_net_bind_service=+ep /opt/jdk1.8.0_161/jre/bin/java
> So now what?
> How does it know to bind java process to 443?
> $netstat -an says 443 is not open and it does not work using curl.
> That is where I am right now.

What we cannot do here is resolving organisational issues within your work 

Without entering into the reasons why you cannot ask whoever is responsible 
for whatever is in front of tomcat to really help you and direct these 
client calls to port 8443 of your server (although that would in principle 
the kind of thing for which they are paid), I am wondering why you do not 
try the iptables method outlined at :
  -> Alternative method (iptables/linux): NAT

If you can run the setcap command, it means that you have root access to 
your server, so you can run the iptables command also. And it seems simpler 
(and with less side-effects) than any of the other methods, in this case.

(On the other hand, if you do not have root access, then pretty much any 
command or utility that would allow you to redirect port 443 to something 
else, will not be accessible to you either; because if you could do that, 
then what would be the point of protecting these lower ports ?).

I just tried this (as root) on a Linux Debian server, which is running 
tomcat on its default HTTP port 8080 :

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 500 -m 
addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to-destination # 
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 500 -m 
addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to-destination

and then, *from the same host*, I can access "http://locahost:500/"; and get 
the tomcat default welcome page, without changing the Tomcat configuration.

(In the above, I just used the origin port 500, because it is below 1024, 
and happened to be unused on my server.)

To make this work in your case and from outside the host itself,
- replace all "" above, by the external IP address of your server 
(which you can see via "ipconfig -a")
- replace all "500" by "443"
- replace all "8080" by "8443"

As per above, these rules are temporary and will not survive a system 
However, if you do a "man iptables", you should find somewhere the way to 
make these rules persistent. (Or search Google for "make iptables 

tips :
- to see if these rules have "stuck", use the command "iptables -L -t 
dnat -n"
- to delete the above rules, use exactly the same command as for setting 
them, but change the "-A" into "-D"
- rules implemented via iptables will not be visible when you do 
"netstat -pan --tcp | grep LISTEN", because there is not really any process 
listening on the port which you redirect in that way. iptables works at a 
lower level, modifying the ip packets themselves as they enter and exit your 
system. tomcat still listens on its original port, and still thinks it is 
reading from and writing to that same port (kind of).
You may also have to be careful that your application is never sending back 
to the clients, a link which would contain the port :8443, or that would 
seriously confuse everything.

And again, if you do not have root access to your tomcat host, AND you 
cannot get help from the people managing whatever is in front of your 
server, then you are in an impossible situation, and you should probably 
report this to your managers and ask them for help.
In French we say : "à l'impossible, nul n'est tenu"

> ===========================
> Thank You;
> Chris Cheltenham
> Technology Services
> The School District of Philadelphia
> Work # 215-400-5025
> Cell # 215-301-6571
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olaf Kock []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 11:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Binding a non root user to port 443
> On 14.03.2018 16:02, Cheltenham, Chris wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I am kind of lost. I am not sure what you guys are asking.
>> If I asked the same thing twice its because whatever was sent by
>> someone else other than you did not work or I cannot use.
> well, I'm also lost. It would help to know what didn't work for you
> and, if possible, why. It doesn't help anyone if we're giving the same
> answers again, not knowing any of the aspects that need to be changed,
> or anything about what you can't use.
> Olaf
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