Looking back through my sent folder I realize that I have been replying directly to people that posted directly to me instead of the list.

Update:  after trying several suggestions sent to me, which did not work, for some reason I decided to switch browsers. Normally I run the manager-gui in Internet Explorer (it's pretty much the only thing I use Explorer for).  But I decided to try Chrome, and, lo and behold, it worked!

Now I'll run some other tests to see if I can figure out why Explorer isn't working.



On 9/13/2018 4:14 PM, Bill Harrelson wrote:
Tomcat 8.0.14, Java 1.8.0_91. I've looked through StackOverflow and searched the archives and can't figure this out. We've been running tomcat, various versions for about 15 years, always using the manager-gui to control hosts. We have one tomcat instance running 8 hosts, where the manager-gui works fine for all but one of them. I've compared /conf/Catalina/WEBAPPname/manager.xml with others that are working and they are identical. I've compared the directory name with the name in server.xml and it's identical. Behavior - when I start the manager-gui for that web-app, it logs in and starts fine. I can see sessions, I can see Server Status, etc.  all seems to work, except: - if I click on Reload or Stop, it just sits and spins and eventually times out. Every other host manager gui gets an immediate tab name update, then completes, changing the url. This one web-app does none of that. When this happens there are no entries in the catalina log, the tomcat stderror log, or the web-app access log I can't figure out where to look next. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. It's a test server and having to restart all of tomcat to change the test configuration is slowing work way down. Bill

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