Hello André,
  Thank you.  I would be curious to see what they come up with as a response.


-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 9:13 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users

I put this question to the tomcat devs in a previous post, but it was somewhat 
lost in the volume I guess, so here it goes again :

@ tomcat devs :

If a HTTP request to Tomcat 8.0/8.5, in an unsollicited way (meaning without a 
401 response), were to provide a "Authorization: Basic" header, would this 
trigger any Basic Auth code in Tomcat ? (I mean, even if the target app (not 
one of the ones below) does not seem to have any security-constraints or 
<auth-method> like stated below ?)

We're trying to figure out why an app seems to be going through a Basic Auth 
(and rejecting it), although the app's web.xml contains no directives to that 

On 15.10.2018 16:01, Tony Esposito wrote:
> Hello André,
>    Yes, you understand the issue correctly.
>    Once again an excellent explanation.
>    Using grep -rnw '/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/' -e 'auth-method' and logged 
> in as 'root', I have only been able to find auth-method in the following 
> files:
> /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/host-manager/WEB-INF/web.xml:110:    
> <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
> /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/web.xml:272:      
> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
> /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml:165:    
> <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>    Absent that, I am going to toss around the Realm versus Valve approaches 
> and give 1 (or maybe both) a try.
>    Thank you.
> Tony
> -----Original Message-----
> From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 3:58 PM
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
> On 14.10.2018 18:44, Tony Esposito wrote:
>> Hello André,
>>     As always I appreciate your detailed response.
>>     The web server is indeed setup in this simplified, "basic" configuration 
>> (i.e. the tomcat-users.xml file and server.xml file are configured as you 
>> described).
>>     The password is always the same.  However, the users (hence, the user 
>> names) are unknown and only over time will they we known.
>>     How does this change your suggestion?  Could a database realm be the 
>> answer (as opposed to the tomcat-users.xml file)?
> Whether the back-end is a file or a database, to make it work you would need 
> to have the corresponding userid/password pairs anyway.
> So no, my suggestion does not work in that case.
> As I understand it now :
> - the Basic authentication is active, somehow, for your webapp
> - the requests which come in for that webapp always have a Basic 
> "Authorization:" header, always with the same password part, but with a 
> user-id which varies
> - you cannot modify the front-end application part, which sends these headers 
> in the first place
> - you do not really care about the user-id, and (in a way) the password only 
> serves
> (possibly) to distinguish requests which are valid (iow coming from the 
> front-end server), from those that are not (coming from elsewhere, if that is 
> possible)
> - you want to avoid having and managing any kind of back-end database or file 
> which would have to contain all the users/passwords pairs
> In such circumstances, the real thing to do would be to disable the Basic 
> authentication for the webapp (which means you still need to find where it is 
> specified), and protect the access by some other means, for example by 
> blocking all requests which do NOT come from your front-end server (by IP 
> address e.g.). (There exists a Valve for that, which can be configured just 
> for that webapp if need be. See :
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/valve.html#Remote_Address_Valve)
> Barring that, another way that I can imagine would be to create your own 
> Realm for the Basic auth. It could be totally dummy and have no users file 
> back-end at all, since you only want to compare the password to some known 
> fixed value.
> Like all Tomcat code, the code for the existing Realms is open-source and 
> available, so you could take one of them and modify it for that.
> I am not really a Java programmer, so I would not try that myself, but I 
> would imagine that for any Real Java Programmer that would not be a big 
> problem.
> You could even think about creating your own Valve, which would 
> (subrepticiously) modify the incoming requests' Authorization headers, to 
> replace the varying user-id part by a single user-id, which would then be the 
> single one you need in the tomcat-users.xml file (or whatever other back-end 
> is in use).
> Now all of these things are somewhat flaky, and certainly weaken the security 
> of your server. That may impact not only /your/ webapp, but also everything 
> else that runs on that same server. If that server is on the Internet, you 
> should really think twice.
> (I would at least consider running this connection over HTTPS, if you can).
>> Tony
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 5:55 AM
>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>> On 14.10.2018 02:29, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>> Hello André,
>>> It's routed through a server...
>>> A co-worker noticed a Tomcat valve that might do the trick...
>>> https://github.com/lokechenlin/tomcat-auto-login-valve
>>> Your thoughts?
>> They are as follows :
>> If that works, fine.
>> But as per Occam's razor principle, one should not introduce more complexity 
>> than necessary. One additional dependency risks adding additional burdens in 
>> terms of debugging, support, maintenance etc.
>> And there shouldn't really be a need for anything additional.
>> Assuming that indeed the intermediate routing server adds this Basic Auth 
>> header, with a certain user-id/password pair, and that this user/password is 
>> always the same.
>> (That's a big if of course).
>> And assuming that indeed something as yet unidentified in the webapp, 
>> introduces a need for Basic Auth, and that you cannot find it or remove it.
>> Then the solution would be, to make sure that this Basic Auth succeeds.
>> (One reason being, that the lockout Valve - which apparently is also
>> present - would not lockout this user, if it's authentication
>> succeeded.)
>> To make the Basic Auth succeed, one would have to insure that the Tomcat 
>> Realm that is being used by this webapp to *verify* the correctness of this 
>> userid/password pair, indeed knows this userid/password pair, and responds 
>> positively when enquired from.
>> Of course, this requires finding out first, which Realm is being used, to 
>> back-up this Basic Auth. And that also would require finding out which 
>> component wants this Basic Auth.
>> But you can try at least one thing, just to check :
>> In the standard "vanilla" Tomcat as downloaded from the Tomcat website, 
>> there is :
>> - in the file conf/server.xml, a tag like : <Resource name="UserDatabase" 
>> auth="Container"..
>> - this tag points to a file, normally :  pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml"
>> - that file "conf/tomcat-users.xml", there is a section, normally 
>> commented-out, like :
>> <!--
>>      <role rolename="tomcat"/>
>>      <role rolename="role1"/>
>>      <user username="tomcat" password="<must-be-changed>" roles="tomcat"/>
>>      <user username="both" password="<must-be-changed>" 
>> roles="tomcat,role1"/>
>>      <user username="role1" password="<must-be-changed>"
>> roles="role1"/>
>> -->
>> What you could try is to copy the following tags to a non-commented-out 
>> section like this :
>> <role rolename="tomcat"/>
>> <user username="(user-that-you know)" password="(password-that-you-know, in 
>> clear)"
>> roles="tomcat"/>
>> save the file, and restart tomcat.
>> Then see if it works.
>> Chances are, that whoever configured this app in the first place, took the 
>> path of least resistance, and configured that webapp for Basic Auth, using 
>> the simplest configuration available, which is the above using a simple file 
>> as the back-end for authentication.
>> By making the changes above, you may make your mystery user/password known 
>> to this simple Realm, and so maybe now its authentication will succeed.
>> @others : if any of the Tomcat devs is reading this, I am curious about 
>> something :
>> If a HTTP request, in an unsollicited way, contains a Basic Auth 
>> "Authorization:" header, could this automatically trigger some Basic Auth 
>> code in Tomcat, even if the webapp being targeted does not have any such 
>> security constraints ?
>> I would assume not, but just in case..
>>> Tony
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:38 PM
>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>> On 13.10.2018 18:54, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>> Hello André,
>>>> Thank you for taking the time to put together this excellent explanation.
>>>> I do not have control over the server that is passing me the Basic Auth 
>>>> header, unfortunately.
>>> Ok, so to make things clearer : when Tomcat receives a request for this 
>>> "myapp"
>>> application, where does this request come from ?
>>>     From a user browser, or from another server directly ?
>>>> You mentioned "In other words, there is no "trick" to add to stop Tomat 
>>>> trying to authenticate the client. By default, it doesn't.
>>>> If it does, it is because it was asked to, by something added to the 
>>>> default configuration."
>>>> Ok, maybe the server IS asking for Basic Auth.  I inherited this
>>>> server (and this dilemma) show how/where do I check to see if Basic
>>>> Auth is 'on'?  Because I don't see it and (less valid)
>>> That's the puzzle indeed, if the "myapp" webapp's web.xml does not contain 
>>> any <security-> thing, and neither does the general conf/web.xml (which 
>>> gets merged with every webapp's web.xml, so it was a good idea to check 
>>> there too).
>>> I think that you will have to activate (and look at) the Access Log, to 
>>> find out which requests really come into your server.
>>> Look here :
>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/valve.html#Access_Log_
>>> V alve The Access Log produces lines like this :
>>> - - [10/Oct/2017:17:54:41 +0200] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 
>>> 21630 The penultimate value is the status code returned by Tomcat to the 
>>> client, for this request.  The last value is the (data) size of the 
>>> response (excluding headers).
>>> You will be looking for requests which trigger a status code 401.
>>> If there are any, that is a clear sign that the corresponding application 
>>> (with the URL in the same line) has some auth. requirement.
>>>> I was told by the previous web admin that Basic Auth was turned off.
>>> Disregard that. Basic Auth cannot be "turned off". It is an inherent part 
>>> of the code (of any webserver, because it is mandated by the HTTP RFC); it 
>>> is always there.
>>> But it "activates" only when it is told to activate.
>>>> Thank you again for your time
>>>> Tony
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2018 7:53 AM
>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>> On 13.10.2018 04:56, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>> But you still want your application to see this Basic Auth header, 
>>>>> because it needs to check the "standard password" in it, right ?
>>>>> (Otherwise, describe precisely what you want).
>>>>> If there is a way to disable Basic Auth (i.e. not compel the user to 
>>>>> authenticate yet again) without triggering on the password or ignoring 
>>>>> the header altogether, then the password is not important.
>>>>> I mentioned the password in the hopes that I could use it in some way to 
>>>>> trigger the disabling of Basic Auth.
>>>>> P.S.
>>>>> 1) You say "Installed 'out of the box - as is'", but what box ?
>>>>> The standard Tomcats 8.0 or 8.5 do not have an active Connector for port 
>>>>> 8088.
>>>>> So it does not look as if it is so 'out of the box - as is'.
>>>>> Where does that Tomcat come from, really ?
>>>>> It was installed by the previous admin -- I inherited it.
>>>>> Of course, there are other web apps on other ports.  For example, there 
>>>>> are 2 Connectors defined in the server.xml file.
>>>>> When I said 'as is' I was thinking in the context of Basic Auth.  I have 
>>>>> done nothing to change Basic Auth.
>>>>> 2) your application has a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it.
>>>>> What does it say about authentication ?
>>>>> The <TOMCAT_INSTALLED_DIRECTORY>/webapps/WEB-INF/myapp/web.xml file for 
>>>>> each app has no security constraints.
>>>>> The <TOMCAT_INSTALLED_DIRECTORY>/conf/web.xml file also has no security 
>>>>> constraints.
>>>>> There is no web.xml file under 
>>>>> Was there anything in particular you were referring to?
>>>> No. But that is strange.
>>>> Not that this would imply in any way that I encourage you to set up some 
>>>> form of bastard authentication without really knowing what you're doing 
>>>> (obviously), but here are some pointers :
>>>> A browser (or any respectful-of-the-HTTP-rfc client), will *send* an 
>>>> "Authorization:
>>>> Basic" header (which contains a user-id and password in clear, just 
>>>> Base64-encoded) to a server, *only* after the following has happened :
>>>> 1) the client makes a first request to the server, for some URL
>>>> 2) the server checks if the requested resource is "protected".
>>>>        If not, it sends the resource to the client and that's then end of 
>>>> this request.
>>>> 3) If the resource is protected, the server checks if the client's request 
>>>> already contains some form of authorization. If the "protection" indicates 
>>>> that this is protected by a "HTTP Basic authentication", then what the 
>>>> server will be looking for, is a "Authorization:" header, with a type 
>>>> "Basic".
>>>> 4) if the request already contains such a header, the server decodes it 
>>>> into a user-id/password, and /then/ checks with whatever back-end is 
>>>> configured (can be a file, or a database, or whatever - that's what Tomcat 
>>>> calls a "Realm"), to see if these credentials are correct.
>>>> 5) If the credentials are ok, the server returns the requested resource, 
>>>> and that's the end of the request.
>>>> 6) If the credentials are not ok, the server returns a response to the 
>>>> client, with a "status code" 401, meaning "needs authentication".  If the 
>>>> resource is protected by an authentication "Basic", then the server 
>>>> response will include a "WWW-authenticate: Basic"
>>>> header.
>>>> 7) when the client receives this response, if it is a browser, it will 
>>>> then popup a login dialog, to request the user-id/password from the user. 
>>>> When the user has entered that userid/pw, the client will re-send the same 
>>>> request to the server, but this time with a "Authorization:" header 
>>>> containing the userid/passwrd entered by the user.
>>>> (If that client is not a browser, it is supposed to fetch a userid/pw from 
>>>> somewhere, and do the same).
>>>> 8) go back to (2)
>>>> That is how Basic Auth works, in the HTTP RFC and in Tomcat.
>>>> There is something special about Basic Auth, in the sense that once
>>>> a client has succesfully accessed a location on the server, it will
>>>> keep sending the same
>>>> Authorization: header for that same location, without prompting the user 
>>>> again, until you close the program and start anew.
>>>> Now consider the above carefully, because it has some implications :
>>>> a) the server will not send a 401 rsponse to the client, if the
>>>> accessed resource is not protected by a Basic authentication
>>>> b) without a 401 received from the server, a normal client will not
>>>> send an "Authorization:" header
>>>> c) if the client nevertheless sends an Authorization header, for a
>>>> resource that is not protected on the server, the server will ignore
>>>> this header
>>>> So there is something wrong, either in your explanations so far, or in the 
>>>> configuration of your server, or the client, because the server should not 
>>>> be "challenging" the client (with a 401), unless the application which the 
>>>> client tries to access is protected by a Basic authentication.
>>>> And the client should not be sending a Basic Authorization header, unless 
>>>> it has been challenged previously by the server (with a 401).
>>>> Which comes back to something Christopher mentioned already a good while 
>>>> back, but which you seem to keep ignoring : if you do not want the client 
>>>> to try to authenticate, then do not protect your application.
>>>> In other words, there is no "trick" to add to stop Tomat trying to 
>>>> authenticate the client. By default, it doesn't. If it does, it is because 
>>>> it was asked to, by something added to the default configuration.
>>>> Now if you want the client to send a Basic Authorization, but you want 
>>>> Tomcat to ignore it, then tough luck, because the two go together. You 
>>>> cannot eat your cake and have it.
>>>> The only way you could achieve that, is by writing your own "Realm", which 
>>>> always responds OK, no matter what the client-id/pw are.
>>>> But there you are in uncharted and unsupported territory, so beware.
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 6:54 PM
>>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>> On 13.10.2018 00:04, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>>> Addendum:
>>>>>> The user "myuser" attempts to authenticate once, fails, and on the 
>>>>>> second attempt the WARNING is thrown (i.e. user locked) which is to be 
>>>>>> expected.
>>>>>> I want the user "myuser" not to authenticate at all by having the Tomcat 
>>>>>> instance 'ignore/bypass' the Basic Auth (that is received in the header).
>>>>> But you still want your application to see this Basic Auth header, 
>>>>> because it needs to check the "standard password" in it, right ?
>>>>> (Otherwise, describe precisely what you want).
>>>>> P.S.
>>>>> 1) You say "Installed 'out of the box - as is'", but what box ?
>>>>> The standard Tomcats 8.0 or 8.5 do not have an active Connector for port 
>>>>> 8088.
>>>>> So it does not look as if it is so 'out of the box - as is'.
>>>>> Where does that Tomcat come from, really ?
>>>>> 2) your application has a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it.
>>>>> What does it say about authentication ?
>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Tony Esposito
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 4:42 PM
>>>>>> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
>>>>>> Cc: Tony Esposito <tony.espos...@region10.org>
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>>>>  The 'web server in question' is the Tomcat web server that I am trying 
>>>>>> to get to ignore Basic Auth.
>>>>>>  Installed 'out of the box - as is', this Tomcat web server
>>>>>> instance throws the error
>>>>>>  WARNING [http-nio-8088-exec-25] 
>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm.authenticate An attempt was  made 
>>>>>> to authenticate the locked user "myuser"
>>>>>>  whenever a user (who has SSO'd successfully) tries to reach the web app 
>>>>>> that runs on that Tomcat web server.
>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 3:33 PM
>>>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>>> Hash: SHA256
>>>>>> Tony,
>>>>>> On 10/12/18 16:24, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>>>> Some very good feedback here.  Thank you.
>>>>>>> The web server in question doesn't need to authenticate any users
>>>>>>> at all.  But, as a part of the SSO handoff, the web server in
>>>>>>> question is being passed Basic Auth in the header.
>>>>>>> Any further authentication (e.g. the examination of the header)
>>>>>>> is handled by the application.  So, with regard to the web server
>>>>>>> in question, how to ignore the Basic Auth?
>>>>>> What is "the web server in question"? Most web servers will ignore 
>>>>>> authentication headers unless they have been specifically configured to 
>>>>>> do something with it. You shouldn't have to do anything specific to get 
>>>>>> the web server to ignore those headers.
>>>>>> - -chris
>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz
>>>>>>> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Friday, October 12,
>>>>>>> 2018 3:07 PM To: users@tomcat.apache.org Subject: Re: Tomcat 8
>>>>>>> and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>>>> Tony,
>>>>>>> On 10/12/18 15:41, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>>>>> Concerning tomcat-user.xml versus database: The number of users
>>>>>>>> has increased by an order of 2 magnitudes AND we don't know
>>>>>>>> ahead of time who those users will be. The user count is an
>>>>>>>> estimate of the number of companies (known) multiplied by the
>>>>>>>> number of users at each company (unknown - we know it is greater than 
>>>>>>>> 1).
>>>>>>> Uhh... you need to authenticate users but you don't know who they are?
>>>>>>> This sounds like either you don't need authentication or you are
>>>>>>> doing something very dangerous.
>>>>>>> Perhaps you are trying to solve Y but you are asking about X.
>>>>>>> What is Y? What is the use-case, here? What are you protecting?
>>>>>>> Why do you need authentication? How are you expected to do it
>>>>>>> without being able to identify users?
>>>>>>> This seems like a good case for using CLIENT-CERT authentication
>>>>>>> where you trust each company's root cert and each employee at
>>>>>>> that company gets their cert issued by their company. There are
>>>>>>> problems with CLIENT-CERT authentication (like revocation is a
>>>>>>> PITA) but at least it fits the use-case better.
>>>>>>> Another option would be to tie-into each company's LDAP server.
>>>>>>> Then, they can use their own username+password just like they use
>>>>>>> for other services.
>>>>>>> Or, if you don't or can't implement the above, use something like
>>>>>>> SAML/OAuth to transfer a user from one trusted system (like a
>>>>>>> client company's system) into your own. You can request specific
>>>>>>> user information be set to you as a part of that SSO handoff and
>>>>>>> you can "register" them "locally" so you'll recognize them the
>>>>>>> next time they authenticate.
>>>>>>>> Concerning Basic Auth:
>>>>>>>> Users are already signed on via SSO thru another application.
>>>>>>>> And they cannot login directly to this application. A header is
>>>>>>>> passed to my web app which has the static password (so I can't
>>>>>>>> do much about that). (Yes, bad...bad...). Unfortunately, the
>>>>>>>> header also has Basic Auth passed to my application.
>>>>>>> You can always ignore that header.
>>>>>>>> I need Tomcat to pass this request on through, ignoring the
>>>>>>>> Basic Auth in the header.
>>>>>>> No problem: just remove all authentication and authorization
>>>>>>> configuration from web.xml and Tomcat will happily pass those
>>>>>>> headers to your application without doing anything to them.
>>>>>>> Tomcat will also happily pass that information to your
>>>>>>> application even if those headers are being used for authentication and 
>>>>>>> authorization.
>>>>>>> -chris
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz
>>>>>>>> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Friday, October 12,
>>>>>>>> 2018 2:25 PM To: users@tomcat.apache.org Subject: Re: Tomcat 8
>>>>>>>> and authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>>>>> Tony,
>>>>>>>> On 10/12/18 14:45, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thank you André for this feedback.
>>>>>>>>> If I may, I wish to approach this from another angle.  (The
>>>>>>>>> user community is larger than at first anticipated).
>>>>>>>> Since you are switching away from tomcat-users.xml to a real
>>>>>>>> data store, why does a larger user community change things further?
>>>>>>>>> If the header received has a certain password (which is static
>>>>>>>>> for all users requesting access), then bypass Basic Auth and
>>>>>>>>> let the user connect.
>>>>>>>>> (The application does more security checking and authentication
>>>>>>>>> on the header.)
>>>>>>>>> So the question becomes:
>>>>>>>>> How to disable Basic Auth when the header contains a password
>>>>>>>>> which is static for all users requesting access?
>>>>>>>> This make zero sense.
>>>>>>>> HTTP Basic authentication will require the user to enter their
>>>>>>>> credentials. Once they enter their credentials, you'll inspect
>>>>>>>> the password for some magic value and then you want to
>>>>>>>> retroactively DISABLE HTTP Basic auth? I believe that requires 
>>>>>>>> timey-wimeyness.
>>>>>>>> Why not simply always require username+password, and then
>>>>>>>> opportunistically perform additional checks (as mentioned, but
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> described) above? Once the user has authenticated successfully,
>>>>>>>> the browser will continue to send the
>>>>>>>> username+password with each successive request and the user
>>>>>>>> username+won't
>>>>>>>> be asked again for their credentials.
>>>>>>>> The definition of "authenticated successfully" from the
>>>>>>>> browser's view is when the server stops sending the "WWW-Authenticate"
>>>>>>>> response header.
>>>>>>>> BTW static password == bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
>>>>>>>> If you have a static password, why bother asking for it in the
>>>>>>>> first place? It's like requiring a username + password for a
>>>>>>>> terminal and then stamping the username and password on the
>>>>>>>> monitor. You may as well remove the challenge.
>>>>>>>> -chris
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: André Warnier (tomcat)
>>>>>>>>> [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 11:29 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org Subject: Re: Tomcat 8 and
>>>>>>>>> authenticating Basic Auth users
>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>> On 12.10.2018 16:38, Tony Esposito wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello, Using Tomcat 8.0.22 on Linux CentOS 6.10:
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to setup Tomcat to authenticate users that use Basic Auth.
>>>>>>>>>> I could (possibly) enter these users into the tomcat-users.xml
>>>>>>>>>> file but we are dealing with 1000 potential users.
>>>>>>>>>> What happens instead is (of course) the users fail to
>>>>>>>>>> authenticate and then subsequent attempts by the same user
>>>>>>>>>> locks the user's account.
>>>>>>>>>> 11-Oct-2018 16:21:37.970 WARNING [http-nio-8088-exec-25]
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm.authenticate An attempt
>>>>>>>>>> was made to authenticate the locked user "myuser"
>>>>>>>>>> This is 'normal' since after a failed attempt to log in,
>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat suspects a 'brute force attack' and locks the account.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't want to lose that security but (as mentioned above) I
>>>>>>>>>> can't just enter all users into the tomcat-users.xml file
>>>>>>>>>> So the basic question:    How to do authentication of 1000
>>>>>>>>>> users that use Basic Auth?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>>>>> There are two separate parts to this (and it is not specific to
>>>>>>>>> Tomcat) :
>>>>>>>>> - the "basic auth" part, is the way it talks to the browser, to
>>>>>>>>> get a userid/pw (in this case, through a browser popup dialog)
>>>>>>>>> - the "realm", is the way that the server *verifies* the
>>>>>>>>> user-id/pw, with some back-end "authority". In your case, you
>>>>>>>>> have specified that this realm is a file. But it can be
>>>>>>>>> something else, like a database.
>>>>>>>>> The two are independent, and you can mix and match according to
>>>>>>>>> your needs. The on-line Tomcat documentation helps, see :
>>>>>>>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/realm-howto.html
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