
cjb> large bureaucracy [...] I would not be 
cjb> surprised if there is a policy against dev kits and IDE's on 
cjb> production servers for security sake.  Tomcat (whisper: with built-in 
cjb> compiler) is approved, but is the JDK allowed?  Guess I can ask.  
cjb> Yeah, it's potentially a "distinction without a difference".

cs> Hard and fast rule: no compilers. [...]  It's a checkbox security
cs> "feature" that is all of meaningless, ineffective, and inconvenient.

Yeah, I was thinking similar things from inference.

cs> These days, most servers have all the code you'd already ever need
cs> to "compile" and run an exploit even if there were no compiler there.
cs> All you need is a nice, vulnerable pre-existing binary.

That's kinda scary.  I suppose the attitude is that as long as there are 
security updates still being published, that conforms to policy and is 
therefore OK.  Actually, what else can be done once any software has been 
released into the wild?

mt> I'd plan to stick to the LTS releases.

cjb> Meh, not my call.  Whatever the Powers That Be decide for the 
cjb> production environment, I'll probably match that in dev.

cs> They will decide to stick with Java 8, even though it's EOL. The
cs> decision will be made because (a) "there are some incompatibilities
cs> with Java 11 which are hairy to untangle" and (b) "Java 8 hasn't
cs> caused a breach, yet, so we'll probably be fine".

Interesting theory...  Care to make a friendly wager on that, say lunch and/or 
a beer?  Wait, do you have some sort of inside info?  Wager rescinded!  ;-)

My question would be how long after the 2019 EOL will Java 8 still be approved 
for use, be it official policy or unofficial inertia.  Well, at least until the 
next major vulnerability is discovered and then everyone scrambles to cover 
their behinds and upgrade Java.

cs> I'm having trouble convincing a partner vendor to move from
cs> Java *6* up to Java 8. *facepalm*

"Ha ha" (said the guy who is still in the process of upgrading from TC 6.0 to 

Cris Berneburg
CACI Lead Software Engineer

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