This is also about our clustered Tomcat 8 application running on Google Cloud.

The Report sub-cluster runs BIRT. And the default landing page is the Eclipse BIRT viewer default landing page, the one that shows an Eclipse logo, and says "BIRT viewer has been installed."

I've got a health-check on that sub-cluster, that polls the default landing page of ROOT periodically. Up until a few days ago, it was polling it every 5 seconds; earlier this week, I cut it down to every 5 minutes (the maximum); now I've got it at every 30 seconds.

If I open the Manager context, I find that it shows (currently) around 180 sessions for the ROOT context. When it was going every 5 minutes, it was showing 18 sessions; when it was going every 5 seconds, it was up to over a thousand.

The other two sub-clusters don't have any dangling sessions from their health-checks; why would this one?

I'd like the sessions from all this health-check polling to expire a bit more quickly; can anybody here suggest a way to accomplish that?

James H. H. Lampert

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