I tried implementing automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS on my
tomcat today, but it's not working.

First, my system:
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (server)
Tomcat: 9.0.22 (installed from tomcat distribution, not via apt get)
Java: OpenJDK "11.0.3" 2019-04-16
Mysql: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26

This web application has it's own domain (let's call it "mydomain.com" )
and has working HTTPS - and has done  for some time now.

Static web pages are served on this application via tomcat using the
ROOT directory ../tomcat/webapps/ROOT

Again, this is working just fine. If I type "https://mydomain.com"; I see
the secure static pages. If I type "http://mydomain.com"; I see the same
pages, but browsers inform me the page isn't secure.

I want to force tomcat to redirect "http://mydomain.com"; to
"https://mydomain.com"; always.

I found instructions for auto-redirection on several on-line sites, and
all had the same instructions.

I already have the redirect code in server.xml:

   <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                redirectPort="443" />

So all I had to add (according to the instructions) was code at the end
of ...tomcat/conf/web.xml


just before the final </web-app>

I did this and restarted tomcat. It doesn't work.

After restarting tomcat, if I type in "http://mydomain.com"; I still see
the unsecured version. It does not auto-redirect to https.

What am I missing?


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