Thank you Olaf for the kind reminder and my apologies to the entire team. I
am working on a system development and I am using the District Health and
Information System (*DHIS2*)which is a client-server based system
architecture that an organization can use to keep track of records,
activities and reports. To be able to implement the system on a server, I
was advised to use Tomcat as the servlet container alongside PostgreSQL
database system.

So after installing and extracting the Tomcat archive file, I needed to set
the required permissions on the files through the commands bellow

enosh@hp:~$ sudo chgrp -R tomcat /opt/tomcat
enosh@hp:~$ cd /opt/tomcat/
enosh@hp:/opt/tomcat$ sudo chmod -R g+r conf

The last command returns an error (chmod: cannot access 'conf': No such
file or directory) and it is where I am stuck. Please advise accordingly,
thank you.


*Enosh Nyarige*
Student | Computer Science |
African Leadership University <>

2nd Floor | Kigali Heights
Kigali |  Rwanda
Phone | +250 736 133 041 / +254 702 139 994
Skype: Nyarige Enosh

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 9:48 AM Olaf Kock <> wrote:

> On 20.08.19 09:44, Enosh Mogire wrote:
> > I trust that your week is well and that this email finds you well. My
> name
> > is Enosh and I am a newbie to the system. I recently started a personal
> > learning project with DHIS2 and I needed to install the Apache servlet
> but
> > I keep on getting this error(attached screenshot). Please advise
> > accordingly on how to solve this issue. Thank you.
> Welcome,
> please note that this list is read around the world, and people (like
> me) might not know acronyms like DHIS2.
> To help you, we'll need more details: "the Apache servlet" is not quite
> descriptive, and this mailing list strips attachments - as the error
> message most likely contains text: Please post the textual error message
> here, along with log file contents and steps to reproduce - ideally with
> everything required to reproduce the issue you're facing.
> Cheers,
> Olaf
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